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Germán Zuluaga Ramírez, Colombian, is Director of the Study Group on Traditional Health Systems at the School of Medicine of the Universidad del Rosario and General Director of the Centre for Intercultural Medical Studies (Cemi). Medical surgeon from the Universidad del Rosario (1984), with a Master's degree in Medical Sciences (2011) and a PhD in Epidemiology (2017) from the Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero in Mexico, he combines academic, scientific and administrative activities with general medical practice in the municipality of Cota (Cundinamarca). Professor of the master’s degree in public health at the Universidad de La Sabana. He received the United Nations Global 500 Institutional Award in 2002 and the Paul Feyerabend Award "For a more caring world" in 2009. He is an Honorary Member of the ICCA Consortium and recognised as a Research Associate by COLCIENCIAS. Author of numerous books and scientific articles. His work has focused on the approach to the traditional health systems of indigenous, Afro-American and mestizo communities, in addition to the study of ethnobotany and medical botany. He has contributed to the establishment of new ethical criteria for research with communities, based on intercultural dialogue. In recent works he proposes legal pluralism, defends the right to epistemological diversity and proposes an epidemiology applied to traditional knowledge.