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Doctor of Education. Senior Lecturer in Educational Theory and Social Pedagogy at the Complutense University of Madrid. She currently holds the position of Delegate of the Complutense University of Madrid at the "Centro de Enseñanza Superior en Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación Don Bosco" (since 2022). She has been Vice-Dean for International Affairs (2018-2022) at the Faculty of Education, coordinator of the Master's Programme in Advanced Studies in Social Education at UCM (2015-2018 and 2022) and Dean's Delegate for Social Engagement and Community Responsibility (2022). Previously, she was a professor at the University of Extremadura. Her research interests are in Higher Education, Lifelong Learning, Educational Gerontology, Adult Education Policy and Social Pedagogy. She has been Visiting Professor in several European universities under the E.U. Erasmus mobility programme. She has also been a visiting researcher at several universities in Ibero-America.
Dr. Belando-Montoro has been the manager of the research project "Participatory Citizens in a Digital World (CITADEL (II) (2019-2021)" formed by research teams from five universities (Complutense University of Madrid, Spain; University of Barcelona, Spain; University of Buenos Aires, Argentina; University of Sao Paulo, Brazil; and National Autonomus University of Mexico, Mexico). She has been a member of the European Project “Creating a collaborative UNAEUROPA Service-Learning network to transform teaching and learning in the European Space of Higher Education” formed by research teams from three european universities (Università di Bologna, Universidad Complutense de Madrid y Katholieke Universiteit te Leuven).
She is the author of more than 100 publications in books, academic case studies and impact journals. She is an independent evaluator/expert of the Erasmus + Programme and the Research Executive Agency of the European Commission. She has also worked as an expert evaluating research projects for the Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation of Argentina.