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I am Research Director at INGV in Catania since 2008. My research interests concern quantitative studies of volcanic hazards using a combination of satellite data, numerical modelling and probabilistic analysis. My main focus has been on the development of quantitative approaches to volcanic hazard modelling. Applied research includes the use of satellite remote sensing techniques for the monitoring of volcanic activity and numerical simulations of the spatial and temporal evolution of eruptive phenomena for hazard assessment and risk mitigation. I have been involved in numerous national and international projects aiming on volcanic hazards and the physics of volcanism. Since 2001, I am the coordinator of the Laboratory of Technologies for Volcanology (TechnoLab) established with the Department of Engineering of the Catania University for the scientific and technical training of young researchers working on volcanic hazard monitoring. I have published more than 120 scientific papers in ISI journals on various topics in geophysics and volcanology.