Personal information
Shangbin CHEN received his B.S. in physics from Hubei Normal University in 2001, and received the Ph.D. degree in biomedical engineering from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 2006. He started his teaching and research career from August, 2006 in College of Life Science and Technology and Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology. He has accomplished two grants of National Nature Science Foundation of China (NSFC): 1) Study on focal cerebral ischemia based on spreading depression signals (Principal Investigator, 30800313, 2009-2011); 2) Study on the realistic fine neural fiber architecture basis of diffusion MRI tractography (Principal Investigator, 61371014, 2014-2017). He ever gained a short visiting grant from the Royal Society of UK in 2008 and did cooperation research in Bradford University. From August of 2010 to August of 2012, he did postdoctoral research in Britisch Columbia Universtiy (Canada).
Selected publications:
1. Langzhou Liu1, Huayi Gao1, Alexey Zaikin, Shangbin Chen*. Unraveling A-mediated multi-pathway calcium dynamics in astrocytes: Implications for Alzheimer’s Disease treatment from simulations. Frontiers in Physiology, 12:767892.
2. Wu Xinglong, Tao Yuhang, He Guangzhi, Liu Dun, Fan Meiling, Yang Shuo, Gong Hui, Xiao Rong, Chen Shangbin*, Huang Jin*. Boosting multilabel semantic segmentation for somata and vessels in mouse brain. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 15:610122.
3. Wu Xinglong, Chen Shangbin*, Huang Jin*, Li Anan, Xiao Rong, Cui Xinwu. DDeep3M: Docker-powered deep learning for biomedical image segmentation. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 2020, 342:108804.
4. Chen Shangbin*, Zaikin A. Editorial: Multiscale modeling of rhythm, pattern and information generation: from Genome to Physiome. Frontiers in Physiology, 2020, 11: 1-2.
5. Zhang Yalun, Jiang Siqi, Xu Zhengchao, Gong Hui, Li Anan, Luo Qingming, Ren Miao, Li Xiangning, Wu Hao, Yuan Jing, Chen Shangbin*. Pinpointing morphology and projection of excitatory neurons in mouse visual cortex. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2019, 13:912.
6. Guo Congdi, Peng Jie, Zhang Yalun, Li Anan, Yuxin Li, Yuan Jing, Xu Xiaofeng, Ren Miao, Gong Hui, Chen Shangbin*. Single-axon level morphological analysis of corticofugal projection neurons in mouse barrel field. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7(1): 2846.
7. He Yong, Gong Hui, Xiong Benyi, Xu Xiaofeng, Li Anan, Jiang Tao, Sun Qingtao, Wang Simin, Luo Qingming, Chen Shangbin*. iCut: an integrative Cut algorithm enables accurate segmentation of touching cells. Scientific Reports, 2015, 12089.
8. Xie Yicheng1, Chen Shangbin1, Wu Y., Murphy T*. Prolonged deficits in Parvalbumin neuron stimulation-evoked network activity despite recovery of dendritic structure and excitability in the domatosensory cortex following global ischemia in mice. Journal of Neuroscience, 2014, 34(45):14890 –14900. (1, contributed equally)
9. Li Bing, Chen Shangbin*,Li Pengcheng, Luo Qingming,Gong Hui. Refractory period modulates the spatiotemporal evolution of cortical spreading depression: a computational study. PLoS One, 2014, 9(1): e84609.
10. Chen Shangbin, Mohajerani M., Xie Y., Murphy T*. Optogenetic analysis of neuronal excitability during global ischemia reveals selective deficits in sensory processing following reperfusion in mouse cortex. Journal of Neuroscience, 2012, 32(39):13510–13519.
11. Chen Shangbin, Sherri T., Sigler A., Murphy T*. Automated and quantitative image analysis of ischemic dendritic blebbing using in vivo 2-photon microscopy data. Journal Neuroscience Methods, 2011,195: 222–231.
12. Yang Wanneng, Xu Xiaochun, Bi Kun, Zeng Shaoqun, Liu Qian, Chen Shangbin*. Adaptive region of interest method for analytical micro-CT reconstruction. Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology, 2011, 19(1): 23-33.
13. Zeng Shuai, Li Bing, Zeng Shaoqun, Chen Shangbin*. Simulation of spontaneous Ca2+ oscillations in astrocytes mediated by voltage-gated calcium channels. Biophysical Journal, 2009, 97: 2429–2437.
14. Chen Shangbin, Li Pengcheng, Gong Hui, Zhang Yuhui, Zeng Shaoqun, Luo Qingming*. Monitoring biparietal cortical spreading depression in rats with optical intrinsic signal imaging, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, 2008, 27:29-35
15. Chen Shangbin1, Li Pengcheng1, Weihua Luo, Hui Gong, Shaoqun Zeng, Qingming Luo*. Time-varying spreading depression waves in rat cortex revealed by optical intrinsic signal imaging, Neurosci. Lett. 2006, 396, 132–136.
16. Chen Shangbin, Feng Zhe, Li Pengcheng, Jacques S.L., Zeng Shaoqun, Luo Qingming*. In vivo optical reflectance imaging of spreading depression waves in rat brain with and without focal cerebral ischemia, J. Biomed. Opt. 2006, 11(3), 034002-1-13.
17. Chen Shangbin1, Li Pengcheng1, Luo Weihua, Gong Hui, Zeng Shaoqun, Luo Qingming*. Origin sites of spontaneous cortical spreading depression migrated during focal cerebral ischemia in rats, Neurosci. Lett. 2006, 403, 266–270.