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Conservation Biology, Ecological Networks, Landscape Genetics, Animal Ecology, Wildlife Monitoring


Luciano Bani was born on October 17, 1970 in Calcinate (Bergamo, Italy). Graduated in Natural Sciences in 1995 from University of Milano, in 2001 obtained his PhD in Natural and Environmental Sciences with a PhD Thesis titled “The Role of Morainic Lowland Protected Areas on Conservation of Vertebrates”. From 2001 he achieved a post-doc scholarship to collaborate on research activities of the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences of University of Milano-Bicocca. In 2005 he became researcher on “Zoology” in the same Department, continuing his studies on “Conservation Biology”, to face problems concerning loss of biodiversity, exploring its threatening causes and developing strategies for its conservation. At present, he is Professor of “Zoology” and of “Conservation Biology”. His main research topics are: long-term bird monitoring program; advances in habitat suitability models; landscape genetics; ecological networks; forest management practices for wildlife conservation. He was in charge of several research projects funded by governmental and private institutions.


Employment (1)

University of Milano-Bicocca: Milano, IT

2004-12-23 to present | Associate professor (Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
Luciano Bani

Education and qualifications (1)

University of Milano: Milano, IT

2001-01-11 to present | PhD in Natural and Environmental Sciences
Source: Self-asserted source
Luciano Bani

Peer review (3 reviews for 2 publications/grants)

Review activity for Birds. (2)
Review activity for Landscape ecology. (1)