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Recent Articles
Pham D, Jones P, Dobson S, Liñán F, Viala C. 2021. Entrepreneurial implementation intention as a tool to moderate the stability of entrepreneurial goal intention: A sensemaking approach. Journal of Business Research. 123, pp. 97-105
Zachary D, Dobson S. 2020. Urban Development and Complexity: Shannon Entropy as a Measure of Diversity. Planning Practice & Research.
Dobson S, Walmsley B. 2020. Fail fast, fail often…but don’t fail this course! Business and enterprise education through the lens of theatre and the creative arts. Industry and Higher Education.
Dobson S, McLuskie P. 2020. Performative entrepreneurship: identity, behaviour and place in adventure sports Enterprise. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal.
Breslin D, Dobson S, Smith N. 2019. Improving the effectiveness of fire prevention using the “premonition” agent-based model of domestic fire risk behaviours. International Journal of Emergency Services. 8(3), pp. 280-291
Xu Z, Dobson S. 2019. Challenges of building entrepreneurial ecosystems in peripheral places. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy. 8(3), pp. 408-430
Gorbuntsova T, Dobson S, Palmer N. 2019. Diverse geographies of power and spatial production: Tourism industry development in the Yamal Peninsula, Northern Siberia. Annals of Tourism Research. 76, pp. 67-79
Dobson S. 2019. Transformational Entrepreneurship. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATION. 20(1), p72
Gorbuntsova T, Dobson S, Palmer N. 2018. Rural entrepreneurial space and identity; A study of local tour operators and ‘the Nenets’ indigenous reindeer herders. The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation. 19(4), pp. 261-272.
Jones P, Maas G, Dobson S, Newbery R, Agyapong D, Matlay H. 2018. Entrepreneurship in Africa, Part 3: Conclusions on African Entrepreneurship. JOURNAL OF SMALL BUSINESS AND ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT. 25(5), pp. 706-709.
Jones P, Maas G, Dobson S, Newbery R, Agyapong D, Matlay H. 2018. Entrepreneurship in Africa, part 2: entrepreneurial education and eco-systems. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development.
Jones P, Maas G, Dobson S, Newbery R, Agyapong D, Matlay H. 2018. Entrepreneurship in Africa, part 1: entrepreneurial dynamics in Africa. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development. 25(3), pp. 346-348.
McKendrick J, Dobson S. 2018. Introduction to this collection. The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation. 19(2), pp. 73-74.
Dobson S, McKendrick J. 2018. Intrapreneurial spaces to entrepreneurial cities: Making sense of play and playfulness.. The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation. 19(2), pp. 75-80.
Jorgensen A, Dobson S, Heatherington C. 2017. Parkwood Springs – A fringe in time: Temporality and heritage in an urban fringe landscape. Environment and Planning A. 49(8), pp. 1867-1886.
Dobson, S., Quaye, D. and Jones, P. (2020) Globalisation and Enterprise Support in African Arts and Culture in S Dobson, P Jones, D Agyapong, G Maas (Eds) ‘Enterprising Africa: Transformation through Entrepreneurship’ London: Routledge
Dobson S, Mennes J. 2020. Den performative by: tværfaglighed som performativ praksis i byen. In: Byg Bro: En Antologi om at bygge bro mellem byggeriets parter. BUILD, Aalborg Universitet
Dobson S, Maas G, Jones P, Lockyer J. 2018. Experiential Learning Through the Transformational Incubation Programme: A Case Study from Accra, Ghana. In: Experiential Learning for Entrepreneurship Theoretical and Practical Perspectives on Enterprise Education. Palgrave Macmillan
Dobson S. 2018. The Embodied City and Metropolitan Landscape. In: Fairclough G; Sarlöv Herlin I; Swanwick C (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Landscape Character Assessment: Current Approaches to Characterisation and Assessment.
Dobson S, Sukumar A. 2017. Memes and Civic Action: Building and Sustaining Civic Empowerment Through The Internet. In: Yamu C; Poplin A; Devisch O; De Roo G (eds.) The Virtual and the Real in Planning and Urban Design: Perspectives, Practices and Applications.
Dobson, S. Jones, P., Agyapong, D. and Maas, G. (Eds) (2020) ‘Enterprising Africa: Transformation through Entrepreneurship’ London: Routledge
Dawson R; Wyckmans A; Heidrich O; Köhler J; Dobson S; Feliu E (eds.) 2014. Understanding Cities: Advances in integrated assessment of urban sustainability.