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Palaeoclimatology, Climatology, GIS applied to Archaeology, Remote sensing applied to archaeology, Risk and Hazard analysis, Emergencies, Flood analysis


Geographer and territorial planner. Specialist in Geological Hazards. PhD student at Complutense University of Madrid. He has published research papers in the Air Quality, Climate Change, Palaeoclimatology and Geoarchaeology fields.

He has recently worked in Dubai (UAE), Menorca (Spain), Carthage (Tunisia) and Central Andes (Bolivia).


Employment (6)

Universidad Complutense de Madrid: Madrid, ES

2024-05-01 to present | Part-time Professor (Geography)
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrián Fernández Sánchez

MAPFRE RE: Madrid, Madrid, ES

2023-03-01 to present | Natural Hazards Technician (Natural Hazards and catastrophes)
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrián Fernández Sánchez

Sanisera Archaeology Institute: Dubai, Dubai, AE

2018-07-04 to 2020-09-01 | Research Analyst
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrián Fernández Sánchez

Alcazar de San Juan Municipality: Ciudad Real, ES

2017-06-12 to 2018-02-01 | Risk and hazard Analyst (Urbanism)
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrián Fernández Sánchez

Ingenieros & Asociados: Madrid, ES

2016-04-01 to 2016-08-31 | GIS Teacher
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrián Fernández Sánchez

Instituto Geológico y Minero de España: Madrid, Madrid, ES

2015-03-01 to 2015-07-01 | Business practices in Palaeoclimatology (Paleoclimatología)
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrián Fernández Sánchez

Education and qualifications (3)

Universidad Complutense de Madrid: Madrid, Comunidad de Madrid, ES

2016-10-14 to present | PhD in Geography (Geography)
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrián Fernández Sánchez

Complutense University of Madrid: Madrid, ES

2014-10-07 to 2015-07-01 | Master in Environmental Geology
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrián Fernández Sánchez

Universidad Complutense de Madrid: Madrid, Comunidad de Madrid, ES

2009-09-12 to 2014-09-08 | Geography and territorial planning
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrián Fernández Sánchez

Works (20)

Prehistoria, frontera del conocimiento. Homenaje a L. Gerardo Vega Toscano.

Prehistoria, frontera del conocimiento. Homenaje a L. Gerardo Vega Toscano.
2023-09-01 | Book chapter
Contributors: José Úbeda; Adrián Fernández Sánchez
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrián Fernández Sánchez

The Jabal al‐Yamh and Ḥattā Valley survey (Emirate of Dubai, UAE): GIS tools applied to archaeological survey and research

Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy
2023-08-01 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0905-7196
Part of ISSN: 1600-0471
Contributors: Valente, T.; Adrián Fernández‐Sánchez; Fernando Contreras; Bader Al Ali; Mansour Karim; Hassan Zein
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrián Fernández Sánchez

Eventos meteorológicos extremos de ciclones tropicais e seusgrandes impactos em Moçambique, no período de 1926 a2021

Resumos do XI CNG 2023, Coimbra, 16-20 de julho de 2023
2023-07-16 | Conference paper
Contributors: Adrián Fernández Sánchez
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrián Fernández Sánchez

The necropolis of Al Qusais (Dubai, UAE): preliminary results of the 2020 excavation and reassessment of the data from the 1970s and 1990s excavations

Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 52
2023-04-01 | Conference paper
Contributors: Adrián Fernández Sánchez
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrián Fernández Sánchez

Environmental and Health Benefits Assessment of Reducing PM2.5 Concentrations in Urban Areas in Developing Countries: Case Study Cartagena de Indias

2023-02-27 | Journal article
Contributors: José Antonio Álvarez Aldegunde; Edgar Quiñones Bolaños; Adrián Fernández-Sánchez; Manuel Saba; Luis Caraballo
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Modelling a Dam Breach failure: Case of study in the Chaglla Reservoir, Perú.

2023-02-23 | Preprint
Contributors: Adrian Fernandez Sanchez; Nestor Bernal López; Evelyng Peña Chávez; José Álvarez Aldegunde; Helio Vasco Nganhane
Source: check_circle

Climate Patterns and Their Influence in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru, Deduced from Spectral Analysis Techniques

2022-12-16 | Journal article
Contributors: Adrián Fernández-Sánchez; José Úbeda; Luis Miguel Tanarro; Nuria Naranjo-Fernández; José Antonio Álvarez-Aldegunde; Joshua Iparraguirre
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

The Jabal al Yamh tombs (Hatta, Dubai, UAE): The architecture, spatial distribution, and reuse of prehistoric tombs in south-east Arabia.

Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 51
2022-10-01 | Conference paper
Contributors: Adrián Fernández Sánchez
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrián Fernández Sánchez

Spatiotemporal Analysis of PM2.5 Concentrations on the Incidence of Childhood Asthma in Developing Countries: Case Study of Cartagena de Indias, Colombia

2022-08-29 | Journal article
Contributors: José Antonio Álvarez Aldegunde; Adrián Fernández Sánchez; Manuel Saba; Edgar Quiñones Bolaños; Luis R. Caraballo
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Aplicación de un SIG a la arqueología subacuática de Menorca

Virtual Archaeology Review
2022-07-25 | Journal article
Contributors: Fernando Contreras Rodrigo; Adrián Fernández Sánchez
Source: check_circle

Climate forcings and their influence in the Cordillera Blanca, Perú, deduced from spectral analysis techniques

Proceedings of the 5th International Electronic Conference on Atmospheric Sciences
2022-07-15 | Conference paper | Formal analysis, Conceptualization, Data curation, Investigation, Writing - original draft
Contributors: Adrián Fernández Sánchez
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrián Fernández Sánchez
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Analysis of PM2.5 and Meteorological Variables Using Enhanced Geospatial Techniques in Developing Countries: A Case Study of Cartagena de Indias City (Colombia)

2022-03-22 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrián Fernández Sánchez
Preferred source (of 3)‎

Modelling of the reef benthic habitat distribution within the Cabrera National Park (Western Mediterranean Sea)

Annals of GIS
2021-06-10 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrián Fernández Sánchez
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Analysis of Pollutant Dynamics (NO₂ -PM₂.₅) in the Madrid Metropolitan Area from the Monitoring of the Heat Islands

2021-02-01 | Conference abstract
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrián Fernández Sánchez

Influence of Atmospheric Pollutants on Child Respiratory Disease in Cartagena De Indias, Colombia

Dubai International Conference on Methods for Assessing Urban Air Quality
2020-03-19 | Conference abstract
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrián Fernández Sánchez

Herramientas GIS para el apoyo en la búsqueda de personas desaparecidas en medio terrestre.

XII GvSig Conference. 4.
2017-05-06 | Conference paper
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrián Fernández Sánchez

Revisión de la estratigrafía del δ 18O en sondeos de hielo de glaciares de los Andes Centrales: Implicaciones para la variabilidad climática del Holoceno.

Geotemas XVI.
2016-07 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrián Fernández Sánchez

Análisis de la Susceptibilidad a los Movimientos de Ladera en los Municipios de Tipuani, Teoponte y Guanay (Bolivia)

Protección Civil de España
2016-06-02 | Report
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrián Fernández Sánchez

Variabilidad climática del Holoceno Medio y Superior en los Andes Centrales, inferida a partir de estratigrafía de isótopos estables en hielo glaciar

Universidad Complutense de Madrid
2015-09 | Supervised student publication
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrián Fernández Sánchez

Evolución glaciar en los Andes Centrales (Cordillera Blanca , Junín , Cordillera Oeste de Bolivia y Cordillera Real).

Universidad Complutense de Madrid
2014-09 | Supervised student publication
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrián Fernández Sánchez