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José Manuel Moutinho Pereira is currently a Full Professor at the Biology and Environment Department – School of Life Sciences and Environment of the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD), Vila Real – Portugal ( Academic degrees: Habilitation in Plant Physiology at the UTAD in 2017; PhD in Plant Physiology at the UTAD in 2000; Graduation in Agronomy at the UTAD in 1987. Area of expertise: Plant Sciences, particularly the impact of biotic/abiotic stresses on physiological behaviour of Mediterranean crops, such as vineyard and olive trees. Current R&D Centre: Centre for the Research and Technology of Agro-Environmental and Biological Sciences (CITAB) ( Projects: Member of 45 research projects, 2 and 5 as PI or UTAD team coordinator, respectively. The fundamental concern has been the research of environmentally friendly and easy-to-implement measures to adapt these crops to climate change. Authorship: Author/co-author of 126 SCOPUS-indexed papers (h-index=47, 6447 citations), 13 book chapters, >290 abstracts/proceedings in scientific meetings and invited-speaker in about 20 meetings. Past & current supervision: 5 postdoc, 7 PhD, 18 MSc and 37 graduation projects. Other relevant outcomes: 10 Scientific Awards, reviewer in about 70 JCR-index journals and associate/guest editor in 3 journals. He was listed in ranking 2023 (Ranked at 9 National Ranking /2069 World Ranking in field of Plant Science and Agronomy;
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