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Material chemistry, polymer-derived ceramics, fibers, nanocomposites, porous components


As Director of Research at CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France), I currently develop my research activity on Polymer-Derived Ceramics (PDC) at the Institute of Research for Ceramics (IRCER, UMR CNRS 7315); a joint research unit belonging to CNRS and the university of Limoges.
I received my PhD degree in inorganic chemistry (11/2002) from the Claude Bernard University Lyon 1 and then, I worked as a postdoc fellow in Max-Planck-Institute for Metal Research (Stuttgart, Germany) on Polymer-Derived SiBCN ceramics (2003). In Jan. 2004, I got a CNRS Research Fellow (tenure) position to develop a research activity dedicated to PDC at the Multimaterials & interfaces lab (LMI, UMR CNRS 5635, Claude Bernard University Lyon 1). In September, 2010, I moved to the European Institute of Membranes (IEM, UMR CNRS 5635) to extend my PDC activity towards membranes. I defended my habilitation thesis (materials science) at the University of Montpellier in Oct. 2012 and worked as a group leader (Material department) for two years at IEM before getting the position of Director of Research at CNRS (Tenured senior scientist) in Oct. 2016. In agreement with CNRS, I moved to IRCER in Oct. 2017.
My research interests are i) the design of PDC as objects including as well fibers & matrices as 3D architectures in the carbide and/or nitride systems and ii) the implementation of the PDC route to form nanocomposites in multi-component inorganic systems. Main applications concern the energy field. Until now, I have been the supervisor of more than 30 PhD students. I have co-authored 125 peer reviewed papers (H factor: 46), written 8 patents and 13 book chapters, and I gave more than 80 invited conference talks. I am associated editor for several journals such as J. Am. Ceram. Soc., International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology & J. Ceram. Soc. Jp. I am the editor of a book and the (co)-organizer of several international conferences. I was awarded the Solid State Chemistry Division Prize (June 2014) and received an award for recognition of my work done in chemistry (July, 2015) by the French Chemical Society (SCF). I am JSPS fellow and I have been nominated in sept. 2021 as the director of the research federation 'MatV2L' gathering IRCER and four ‘local’ institutes to coordinate their scientific works in the materials science field.


Employment (1)

CNRS Délégation Aquitaine-Limousin: Limoges, Haute-Vienne, FR

2017-10-01 to present | Director of Research (CNRS) (Research Institute for Ceramics (IRCER))
Source: Self-asserted source
Samuel Bernard

Education and qualifications (1)

Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1: Villeurbanne, FR

1999-09-01 to 2002-11-21 | PhD (LMI)
Source: Self-asserted source
Samuel Bernard

Peer review (12 reviews for 10 publications/grants)

Review activity for ACS applied materials & interfaces. (1)
Review activity for ACS applied nano materials. (1)
Review activity for ACS applied polymer materials. (1)
Review activity for ACS nano. (1)
Review activity for Advanced engineering materials (1)
Review activity for Advanced functional materials. (1)
Review activity for Advanced materials. (1)
Review activity for Chemistry of materials. (3)
Review activity for Inorganic chemistry. (1)
Review activity for Journal of physical chemistry. (1)