Personal information
Bsc (electrical engineering) and Msc (Industrial Engineering) from University of Málaga (Spain). Currently enrolled in a mechatronics engineering PhD.
Fields of interest: AI, Intelligent Control, Wind Energy and Robotics.
Internship in BIC Euronova S.A as electrical engineer trainee, supporting departments of logistics, facility management and technological consulting.(16/11/2017 to 7/3/2018).
Assistant researcher on University of Malaga (Spain) at Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática, working on intelligent control for W2Power platform, within the scope of a national spanish public founded project called "ORPHEO". (8/3/2018 to 17/06/2019).
Assistant researcher on University of Malaga (Spain) at Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática, working on intelligent control in project Towards Resilient UGV and UAV Manipulator Teams for Robotic Search and Rescue Tasks (project TRUST-ROB).(14/10/2019 to 28/09/2020).
Grant FPI2019 to do a PhD on University of Malaga (Spain) at Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática, working on intelligent control in project Towards Resilient UGV and UAV Manipulator Teams for Robotic Search and Rescue Tasks (project TRUST-ROB).(1/10/2020 to date).