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Islamic architecture


Dr. Ahad Nejad Ebrahimi is a practicing architect in Iran and an professor at the faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Tabriz Islamic Art University, Iran. He holds a PhD degree in Architecture. During his fully funded study at the Faculty of Art and Architecture, Tarbiat Modares University of Tehran, he managed to publish several research outputs and was recognized as a distinguished student. His dissertation title was " A Process Policy Making for Reflection of Cultural and Historical Value in Historical City Center of Iran - Case Study: Historic Commercial Complex of Tabriz (Bazaar Tabriz)". Ahad is also an expert in preservation and conservation of Islamic Architecture and played significant roles as the project manager of some cultural heritage buildings’ preservation projects in Iran. For instance, he led the projects for “Saint stephanos Monastery”, “Jolfa Bath”, “Kordasht Historical Complex”, “Emamzade Seyed Shoayb Duzal”, “Jame Mosque in Marand”, “Mosque of Taj al-Din 'Ali Shah” in Tabriz. Recently he has been appointed as the Director of Construction and Facilities Management of Tabriz Islamic Art University. Ahad’s current research and teaching areas are as flows: Architectural Theory, Architectural Design, Urban Conservation, and Islamic Architecture. He is supervising various postgraduate students who work on Islamic Architectural and urban conservation. Ahad always made a great effort trying to support national heritage and conservation of architecture and urbanism. He played a role for refurbishment of a historic site and converting it into a part of campus for Tabriz Islamic Art University. He also actively contributed to development of a program for conservation and restoration of historical building and urban areas in Iran. Ahad’s future research focus will be mainly on “Value-based intervention” for preservation of historic buildings and urban areas in Islamic countries.


Peer review (4 reviews for 2 publications/grants)

Review activity for Heritage science. (1)
Review activity for Nexus Network Journal. (3)