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I have a B.S. in Pharmacy from USJT (São Judas Tadeu University), and a master’s degree in Toxicology and doctorate in Experimental and Comparative Pathology from USP (University of São Paulo). During my first steps along my carrer, I developed relevant research skills as an intern at Medical Legal Institute of São Paulo, working with detection, characterization and trials of illicit abuse drugs in cadaveric blood. Afterwards, I’ve worked for a fell months in a consulting, exercising many activities, such as: Preparation of chemical risk fiches, researches with toxic agents, I participated in a project calledI participated in a project called "REGISTRY OF EMISSION AND TRANSFER OF POLLUTANTS" for the ministry of the environment, between others things. Then, I´ve started my graduation studying the APPLICATION OF IMMUNOASSAY FOR ANALYSIS OF DRUGS AND ABUSE DRUGS IN TOTAL BLOOD WITH FORENSIC PURPOSE (particularly in cadaveric whole blood) on different kind of toxic agents, focusing illicit drugs like cocaine, THC, amphetamines, barbiturics, benzodiazepines, toxicity evaluation and risk assessment of exposure to xenobiotics especially in the effects on the central nervous system. After I have finished my master course I started work as a professor at the undergraduate and graduate levels in the pharmaceutical area (Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Toxicology).
Since 2015 I assumed new professional challenges, working as a Centro Universitário Montesserat (UNIMONTE) like a director.
Today I work as a coordinator of research and extension at Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde IGESP (FASIG) and coordinator of regulatory affairs in the educational area at the Faculdade das Américas (FAM) and intend to start my postdoctoral project.
Employment (3)
Education and qualifications (4)
Professional activities (2)
Funding (2)
Works (50 of 82)