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I have always nourished a keen interest in Immunology. So, after my BSc in Biochemistry, I did a MSc in Clinical Immunology with the second year’s practical project in the lab of Immunology Mário Arala Chaves at ICBAS. Back then and in accordance with the laboratory current scientific view, I collaborated in the description of a virulence-associated immunomodulatory protein (VIP) secreted by Streptococcus agalactiae being the goal its application in immune intervention strategies. While I was collaborating in the previous project, I found that this VIP had been previously described as a plasminogen receptor in several pathogens. The multifunctional role of this protein attracted my attention so much that I decided to do my PhD under this subject and investigate the role of the host plasminogen system in the pathogenesis of Streptococcus agalactiae infection. I defended my PhD thesis in April 2012 with distinction. My academic degrees gave me a great knowledge and skills in different areas including in Immunology and Microbiology. However, I felt that I had to improve in other areas which were underprivileged in my CV and by which I had always nourished a great interest: Molecular Biology and Genetics. So, I accepted a position as a Postdoctoral Researcher at CIBIO (University of Porto) in the Immunogenetics, Microbes and Co-Evolution group, under the project “Host-pathogen co-evolution” (2 year-contract period). I believed that the interplay between Immunology and Genetics would be very fruitful since I could develop my skills in Molecular Biology in my background area: Immunology. Actually, in addition to the referred, I have gained skills in other subjects such as Population Genetics, Evolution and Bioinformatics.
Along the path, I have been searching for my scientific interests and looking for my place in science and concluded that I would like to work in projects dedicated to develop translational research in the field of biomedicine. In 2015, I had the opportunity to embrace these kind of projects: a position as a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Institute of Experimental Dermatology (University of Lübeck, Germany) under the project “Genetics on Pemphigoid diseases” (3 year-contract period). This project aimed the identification and modeling of molecular pathways driving the bullous pemphigoid effector phase being expect that these findings facilitate novel therapeutic strategies for the patients through application of genetic variants-targeted drugs. This has been a rich experience that has allowed me to develop my scientific knowledge, technical skills and creativity.
Due to some family problems, I had to come back to Portugal and in 2016, I have embraced a new and exciting project (6 months-contract period): “A proteogenomics approach towards the understanding of S. epidermidis pathogenicity” at ITQB (University NOVA of Lisbon) whose aim was the characterization of the proteomes of two strains of S. epidermidis belonging to phylogenetic groups with different pathogenic potential and the identification of the metabolic pathways that can be linked to pathogenicity in this species.
Since August 2017, I have been working in the CBMA (University of Minho) under the project “Integrative Research in Environment, Agro-Chain and Tecnhology”, specifically in the line “Innovation for Sustainable Agro-food Chains”. Although a brand-new area, I felt a great interest in it due to its application in translational research, searching for plant extracts and bioactive compounds to improve human health.
Employment (5)
Education and qualifications (3)
Works (13)