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autonomous robots, cognitive robotics, robot software, robot control architecture


Carlos Hernandez Corbato is an assistant professor at the Cognitive Robotic Department of the Delft University of Technology. Carlos is currently the coordinator of the ROSIN European project granted in the H2020 program. He has participated in other national and European projects on the topics of cognitive robotics and factories of the future. Carlos graduated with honors in Industrial Engineering (2006) and received his MSc Ph.D. in Automation and Robotics from the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid in 2013. Carlos’ research interests include robot control architecture, autonomy, model-based engineering, and self-aware systems. Carlos led Team Delft to win the Amazon Robotics Challenge 2016.


Peer review (2 reviews for 2 publications/grants)

Review activity for Autonomous robots. (1)
Review activity for Robotics and autonomous systems. (1)