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Founder and CEO of QuantaHPDA. Medical research data Analysis Company. Consultant in medical and epidemiological research. Developed the Scientia Program for training advisors and help Institutions to adopt and improve their medical research areas (see below).
Was professor of Biostatistics at FMIt (College of Medicine of Itajubá, Brazil) from 1986 to 2010. In 1992 begins adopted computational methods in medicine graduation course. Created and coordinated Computer Laboratory at FMIt. Created and developed NDPPG (Research and Graduate Development Center) at FMIt. Consultant in medical research and experimental planning and design at FMIt. Main activities was support graduate and postgraduate students, professors and medical researchers from this and other institutions - like USP (São Paulo University) - to develop monographs, dissertations and theses, clinical research and other scientific works in Medicine.
Have large experience with risk analysis, econometrics and predictive models in graduate programs.
The main themes of interest are experimental planning and design; forecasting; predicting models; build scenarios, AI, GA (Genetic Algorithms); Heuristics search techniques and Mathematical modeling.
Member of ABE, (Brazilian Statistical Association), SBE (Brazilian Econometric Society).