Personal information
Qualifications with dates
MSc June 2008 Lomonosov Moscow State University
PhD May 2012 Lomonosov Moscow State University
Title of qualification/thesis
PhD Thesis Title: Microscopic crustaceans of the class Tantulocarida: morphology, anatomy, phylogeny, and systematics
Research interests
The main theme of my research is the systematics and comparative anatomy of symbiotic Crustacea, and the application of phylogenetic reconstruction to examine their evolution and ecological radiation, using external morphology, anatomy and molecular markers.
Current research interests include
(1) Systematics, diversity, ecology and biology of Tantulocarida, an enigmatic group of obligate ectoparasites that exclusively utilize crustacean hosts. Description of new taxa and review of host utilization/preference and geographical distribution.
(2) Anatomical studies of tantulocaridan adults and larvae using TEM and CLSM.
(3) Unravelling the phylogenetic position of Tantulocarida in the Crustacean Tree of Life and their relationships to the Thecostraca (barnacles and relatives) using morphology and molecular sequence data.
(4) Constructing a morphology-based phylogenetic backbone of the Tantulocarida which may serve as a framework for an updated genus-level classification.
(5) Taxonomic revisions of parasitic lineages within the Thecostraca, including the Ascothoracida (parasites of echinoderms and corals) and the Facetotecta (enigmatic putative parasites known only as free-living planktonic larvae). Additional objectives include reconstructing their phylogeny using molecular sequence data and miscellaneous projects related to their biology and life history.
(6) Morphology, anatomy and phylogeny of Chitonophilidae, highly modified Copepoda that utilize gastropods, chitons and as cocculiniform limpets host.
Employment history with dates
Research staff member at the Invertebrate Zoology Department (Moscow State University) since 2012
Senior researcher since 2015 until now
Professional honours with dates
Recipient of Best Student Award at the 10th International Conference On Copepoda, Merida, Mexico, July, 2011
Grant of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBF) “Crustaceans of the class Tantulocarida: morphology, anatomy, phylogeny, and systematics” (2012–2013)
Grant of the DAAD + MSU “Vladimir Vernadsky” for a short term visit to German Center of Marine Biodiversity (Wilhelmshaven) (2014)
Grant of the DAAD for a short term academic visit to German Center of Marine Biodiversity (Wilhelmshaven) (2017)
Membership of professional bodies
Member of the International Society for Invertebrate Morphology
Member of the World Association of Copepodologists
Member of the Russian Crustacean Society
Other relevant information not covered above
Scientific Citizenship:
Member of the editorial board of the Invertebrate Zoology from 2019 until now.
Local host and organizer of the 4th IWOSC (International Workshop on Symbiotic Copepoda), White Sea Biological Station, Russia (September 2019)
Member of the organizing committee of ICIM4 (International Congress on Invertebrate Morphology), Moscow, Russia (August 2017)