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Works (4)

Secondary school teachers' perceptions of the shared creative processes and the potential role of technology in the expressive arts

The Curriculum Journal
2025-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Sammy Chapman; Gary Beauchamp; Merris Griffiths
Source: check_circle

Moving beyond the formal: developing significant networks and conversations in higher education: reflections from an interdisciplinary European project team

Teaching in Higher Education
2024-05-18 | Journal article
Contributors: Gary Beauchamp; Sammy Chapman; Angelica Risquez; Susan Becaas; Cheryl Ellis; Michaël Empsen; Fiona Farr; Laüra Hoskins; Wouter Hustinx; Liam Murray et al.
Source: check_circle

‘My picture is not in Wales’: pupils’ perceptions of cynefin (Belonging) in primary school curriculum development in Wales

Education 3-13
2023-11-17 | Journal article
Contributors: Susan Chapman; Rosy Ellis; Gary Beauchamp; Lisa Sheriff; David Stacey; Jane Waters-Davies; Adam Lewis; Catherine Jones; Merris Griffiths; Sammy Chapman et al.
Source: check_circle

The recruitment and retention of teachers of colour in Wales. An ongoing conundrum?

The Curriculum Journal
2023-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Susan Davis; Chantelle Haughton; Sammy Chapman; Rom Okeke; Aylwin Yafele; Kin Yu; Martin Smith
Source: check_circle