Personal information
Daniela Fonseca e Silva is a Clinical Pathology Specialist at the Virology Service, Portuguese Oncology Institute (IPO-Porto) since 2020 and PhD student - “Evaluation of rapid colistin susceptibility by flow cytometry” - in Medical Sciences in Abel Salazar Institute of Biomedical Sciences, University of Porto (ICBAS-UP) where is part of Oncology Master Course.
She is currently the coordinator of the COVID-19 analysis laboratory in IPO-Porto.
She holds an Integrated Master’s Degree in Medicine from ICBAS-UP (2011) and completed her Specific Training in Clinical Pathology at the University Hospital Center of Porto (2019). During her internship years she post graduated on Post-Traumatic Personal Injury Assessment by Faculty of Medicine of Porto University (FMUP) (2015) and on Laboratory Medicine by Faculty of Medical Sciences of the Catholic University of Lisbon (2017). During those years she was also a member of the Medical Microbiology Course and lecturer in Semiotics class of the Master’s Degree in Medicine at ICBAS-UP (2016-2019).
She is a guest reviewer of various international cientific magazines.
Her current research interests are Flow Cytometry applied to susceptibility tests in Microbiology and she is author or co-author of some articles in this area, one of which was awarded at the 2018 Nacional Congress of Laboratory Medicine.