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Food powders, Food emulsions, Agglomeration, Spray drying, Water sorption, Rheological properties


My scientific and research activities is connected mainly with engineering of food processing – shaping of physical and functional properties of dispersed systems of food, including powders and emulsions, in relation to the way they are produced or modified and stored. Agglomeration, spray drying, bulk solids mixing, emulgation and microencapsulation are the main individual operations related to the field of my research activities.
My publications encompass authoring and co-authoring of 93 items – 53 reaserch works, 31 monographs or chapters in monographs and 8 review publications, 77 reports at scientific sessions and conferences, 3 implementations, 26 expert opinions and other evaluations ordered by companies and 24 elaborations not intended for print (among others: reports on research projects, reviews). I managed 5 research projects, and I took part in two grants. I was the scientific director of 1 grant co-financed from the structural funds. I have repeatedly been a reviewer of works published in national magazines and international journals.
I was the director of full-time post-graduate studies at the Faculty of Food Sciences at WULS-SGGW from 2012 to 2017.I was a supervisor of two finished doctoral disserations and I am of one ongoing. I was a reviewer of doctoral dissertations and habilitations.
I have participated in many courses and vocational trainings, including in the field of methods of testing rheological properties, dynamic vapor sorption, and stability of multiphase systems, phase transitions and creation of new structures. I conducted consultations and established cooperation with the research and development departments of many food producers and distributors.
I graduated from post-graduate teacher training school. I teach classes (seminars, lectures and classes) to undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students in course degrees Food technology and human nutrition and Food Security, from physical properties of food products, multi-phase food engineering and product design to innovative processes and apparatus in food engineering and modern research trends in food engineering. I supervised 37 undergraduate theses and 59 graduate theses.
I was honoured with Rector’s awards for my achievements in scientific studies. I also received many awards for teaching and organizational achievements, the Medal of Silver for Long-standing Service, and the Honorary Badge of Merit for WULS-SGGW.

The directions of my research:
- Characteristics of general properties of powdered foods (structure, size and shape of particles, granulation, properties of mass (bulk density and porosity), reconstitution and instant properties.
- Characteristics of sorption properties of powdered foods (sorption of water vapor on the basis of isotherms of adsorption and desorption, hygroscopicity, phase transition, problems of caking).
- Characteristics of mechanical properties of powdered foods (fineness, ability to packing, consolidation and pouring in determined conditions, compressibility, cohesiveness, flowability – on the basis of the parameters of plastic flow and flowing function).
- Characteristics of dried fruit and vegetables (which in a great part are also bulk solids, mainly in the context of the impact of parameters of osmotic dehydration as preliminary processing before drying on some of the physical properties – density, porosity, shrinkage, sorption properties and colour).
- Lipids encapsulation by spray drying and sublimation drying and an analysis of factors influencing quantitative properties of high-fat preparations.
- Spray drying fruit juices with new starch carriers.
- Evaluation of mixing bulk solids, including the technology of applying liquid substances on powdered carrier material.
- Technological aspects of forming properties and stability of multiphase products, mainly emulsions.


Employment (4)

Warsaw University of Life Sciences-SGGW, Faculty of Food Sciences : Warsaw, PL

2012-04-06 to present | associate professor (Department of Food Engineering and Process Management )
Source: Self-asserted source
Ewa Domian

Warsaw University of Life Sciences-SGGW, Faculty of Food Sciences: Warsaw, PL

2000 to 2012 | adjunct (Dept. of Food Engineering and Process Management )
Source: Self-asserted source
Ewa Domian

Warsaw University of Life Sciences-SGGW, Faculty of Food Sciences,: Warsaw, PL

1991 to 2000 | assistant (Dept. of Food Engineering and Process Management )
Source: Self-asserted source
Ewa Domian

Warsaw University of Life Sciences-SGGW, Faculty of Food Technology: Warsaw, PL

1988 to 1991 | standalone technologist (Department of Engineering and Machinery in Food Industry )
Source: Self-asserted source
Ewa Domian

Education and qualifications (4)

Warsaw University of Life Sciences-SGGW: Warsaw, PL

2009 to 2009 | DSc degree - habilitation in agricultural sciences in the field of food technology and nutrition with a specialization in food engineering (Faculty of Food Sciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ewa Domian

Warsaw University of Life Sciences-SGGW: Warsaw, PL

1997 to 1997 | PhD degree in agricultural sciences in the field of food technology and nutrition with a specialization in food engineering (Faculty of Food Sciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ewa Domian

Warsaw University of Life Sciences-SGGW: Warsaw, PL

1990 to 1991 (Postgraduate Teacher Training School )
Source: Self-asserted source
Ewa Domian

Warsaw University of Life Sciences: Warsaw, PL

1983 to 1988 | MSc degree in food technology (Faculty of Food Technology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ewa Domian

Professional activities (1)

Polish Society of Food Technologists : Warsaw, PL

Source: Self-asserted source
Ewa Domian

Peer review (14 reviews for 4 publications/grants)

Review activity for Food and bioprocess technology. (4)
Review activity for Food hydrocolloids. (6)
Review activity for Journal of food composition and analysis. (1)
Review activity for Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft + [i.e. und] Technologie. (3)