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Miquel Costas graduated in Chemistry at the University of Girona (UdG) in 1994, where he also pursued PhD studies in the group of Prof. A. Llobet. Research work during the PhD involved scientific stays at Texas A&M with Prof DHR Barton (1996), and in Basel at the with Prof. A. Zuberbüehler (1998). After defending the PhD dissertation, he moved to the group of Prof. L. Que, Jr, at the University of Minnesota. In September 2002 he returned to Girona with a Ramon I Cajal Fellowship, and in 2006 initiated his independent career. Research interests involve the fundamental understanding of the mechanisms of O2 activation, and/or substrate oxidation taking place at transition metal ions that have biological relevance, specially Fe, Cu and Mn, and application of this knowledge to the development of bioinspired oxidation catalysts to carry out selective oxidation reactions under environmentally benign conditions.