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Psychological science, educational psychology, higher education, educational technology


Jason Lodge, PhD is Professor of Educational Psychology, School of Education, University of Queensland.

Jason’s research concentrates on the application of the learning sciences to higher education. Specifically, he is interested in the cognitive and emotional factors that influence learning and behaviour and how research findings from the learning sciences can be better used to enhance design for learning, teaching practice and education policy. Jason is also interested in the ways technology is influencing learning, particularly in terms of the impact of technology on the development of professional ways of being, metacognition, critical thinking and expertise.


Employment (3)

The University of Queensland: Brisbane, QLD, AU

2018-01 to present | Professor of Educational Psychology (School of Education)
Source: Self-asserted source
Jason M. Lodge

University of Melbourne: Melbourne, VIC, AU

2016 to 2017-12 | Senior Lecturer (Melbourne Centre for the Study of Higher Education)
Source: Self-asserted source
Jason M. Lodge

University of Melbourne: Melbourne, VIC, AU

2014 to 2016 | Research Fellow (Learning Sciences) (Science of Learning Research Centre)
Source: Self-asserted source
Jason M. Lodge

Education and qualifications (3)

University of Sydney: Sydney, NSW, AU

2016 | Master of Learning Sciences & Technology (Faculty of Education & Social Work)
Source: Self-asserted source
Jason M. Lodge

James Cook University Cairns Campus: Cairns, QLD, AU

2012 | PhD (School of Psychology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Jason M. Lodge

Macquarie University: Sydney, NSW, AU

2011 | Master of Higher Education
Source: Self-asserted source
Jason M. Lodge

Works (50 of 127)

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Exploring Students’ Conceptions of Project-Based Learning: Implications for Improving Engineering Pedagogy

IEEE Transactions on Education
2024 | Journal article
Contributors: Mahbub Hasan; Jason M. Lodge; Azharul Karim; Md. Shahadat Hossain Khan
Source: check_circle

Misjudgements of Learning in Digital Environments

2023 | Book chapter
Contributors: Jason M. Lodge
Source: check_circle

AJET in 2023: Reflections on educational technology, people, and bibliometrics

Australasian Journal of Educational Technology
2023-12-31 | Journal article
Contributors: Linda Corrin; Kate Thompson; Jason M. Lodge
Source: check_circle

AI in tertiary education: progress on research and practice

Australasian Journal of Educational Technology
2023-12-22 | Journal article
Contributors: Kate Thompson; Linda Corrin; Jason M. Lodge
Source: check_circle

Assessment reform for the age of Artificial Intelligence

Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency
2023-11 | Report
Contributors: Jason M. Lodge; Sarah Howard ; Margaret Bearman; Phillip Dawson
Source: Self-asserted source
Jason M. Lodge

Learning with Generative Artificial Intelligence Within a Network of Co-Regulation

Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice
2023-11-01 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1449-9789
Part of ISSN: 1449-9789
Contributors: Jason Lodge; Paula de Barba; Jaclyn Broadbent
Source: Self-asserted source
Jason M. Lodge

Theory and learning analytics, a historical perspective

2023-08-04 | Preprint
Contributors: Jason M Lodge; Simon Knight; Kirsty Kitto
Source: check_circle

The importance of a good review(er) for educational technology research

Australasian Journal of Educational Technology
2023-08-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Linda Corrin; Jason M. Lodge; Kate Thompson
Source: check_circle

Design thinking-learning and lifelong learning for employability in the 21st century

Journal of Teaching and Learning for Graduate Employability
2023-07-31 | Journal article
Contributors: Vijayakumari Seevaratnam; Deanne Gannaway; Jason Lodge
Source: check_circle

It’s not like a calculator, so what is the relationship between learners and generative artificial intelligence?

Learning: Research and Practice
2023-07-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Jason M. Lodge; Suijing Yang; Leon Furze; Phillip Dawson
Source: check_circle

Mapping out a research agenda for generative artificial intelligence in tertiary education

Australasian Journal of Educational Technology
2023-05-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Jason M. Lodge; Kate Thompson; Linda Corrin
Source: check_circle

Assessment in the age of artificial intelligence

Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence
2022 | Journal article
Contributors: Zachari Swiecki; Hassan Khosravi; Guanliang Chen; Roberto Martinez-Maldonado; Jason M. Lodge; Sandra Milligan; Neil Selwyn; Dragan Gašević
Source: check_circle

AJET in 2022: Bibliometrics, academic publishing trends, and future opportunities

Australasian Journal of Educational Technology
2022-12-30 | Journal article
Contributors: Linda Corrin; Jason M. Lodge; Kate Thompson
Source: check_circle

The implications of educational technology research for practice and/or policy

Australasian Journal of Educational Technology
2022-12-16 | Journal article
Contributors: Kate Thompson; Linda Corrin; Jason M. Lodge
Source: check_circle

Blurring disciplinary boundaries in the design studio: Bringing architecture, business and arts students together to prototype new solutions for palliative care

Journal of Design, Business & Society
2022-12-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Rebecca McLaughlan; Jason M. Lodge
Source: check_circle

The concerning persistence of weird ideas about learning and educational technology and their influence on the future directions of higher education

Australasian Journal of Educational Technology
2022-08-21 | Journal article
Contributors: Jason M. Lodge; Kate Thompson; Linda Corrin
Source: check_circle

‘The university doesn’t care about the impact it is having on us’: academic experiences of the institutionalisation of blended learning

Higher Education Research & Development
2022-07-29 | Journal article
Contributors: Jasmine Huang; Kelly E. Matthews; Jason M. Lodge
Source: check_circle

The importance of choosing the right keywords for educational technology publications

Australasian Journal of Educational Technology
2022-06-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Linda Corrin; Kate Thompson; Gwo-Jen Hwang; Jason M. Lodge
Source: check_circle

Authorship practices in educational technology research

Australasian Journal of Educational Technology
2022-04-14 | Journal article
Contributors: Kate Thompson; Linda Corrin; Jason M. Lodge; Gwo-Jen Hwang
Source: check_circle

Are you with me? Measurement of learners' video-watching attention with eye tracking

The International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge, 2021 (LAK’21).
2021 | Conference paper
Source: Self-asserted source
Jason M. Lodge

Digital learning environments, the science of learning and the relationship between the teacher and the learner

Learning under the lens: Applying findings from the science of learning to the classroom
2021 | Book chapter
Source: Self-asserted source
Jason M. Lodge

Introduction to Education: Knowledge, Practice, Engagement

Cambridge University Press
2021 | Book
Source: Self-asserted source
Jason M. Lodge

The role of change in AJET in 2021: reflections, bibliometrics, and future plans

Australasian Journal of Educational Technology
2021-12-20 | Journal article
Contributors: Linda Corrin; Gwo-Jen Hwang; Jason M. Lodge; Kate Thompson
Source: check_circle

Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Empirical Research in Evaluative Judgment

Journal of Learning Analytics
2021-11-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Hassan Khosravi; George Gyamfi; Barbara E. Hanna; Jason Lodge; Solmaz Abdi
Source: check_circle

Open Science and Educational Technology Research

Australasian Journal of Educational Technology
2021-10-16 | Journal article
Contributors: Jason M. Lodge; Linda Corrin; Gwo-Jen Hwang; Kate Thompson
Source: check_circle

Learning Analytics for Primary and Secondary Schools

Journal of Learning Analytics
2021-09-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Vitomir Kovanovic; Claudia Mazziotti; Jason Lodge
Source: check_circle

Trends in education technology in higher education

Australasian Journal of Educational Technology
2021-07-29 | Journal article
Contributors: Kate Thompson; Linda Corrin; Gwo-Jen Hwang; Jason M. Lodge
Source: check_circle

AJET in 2021: Change, bibliometrics and future directions

Australasian Journal of Educational Technology
2021-03-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Kate Thompson; Linda Corrin; Gwo-Jen Hwang; Jason M. Lodge
Source: check_circle

Productive Uncertainty: The Pedagogical Benefits of Co‐Creating Research in the Design Studio

International Journal of Art & Design Education
2021-01-19 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Jason M. Lodge
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Engaging large 1st Year classes using digital technology: A case study

Teaching psychology around the world (5th ed.)
2020 | Book chapter
Source: Self-asserted source
Jason M. Lodge

Exploring the usage of thermal imaging for understanding video lecture designs and students' experiences

The International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge, 2020 (LAK’20).
2020 | Conference paper
Source: Self-asserted source
Jason M. Lodge

Fostering and supporting empirical research on evaluative judgement via a crowdsourced adaptive learning

The International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge, 2020 (LAK’20).
2020 | Conference paper
Source: Self-asserted source
Jason M. Lodge

Online education by design: Using evidence and course analytics to achieve best online teaching and learning practice

Tertiary Online Teaching and Learning
2020 | Book chapter
Source: Self-asserted source
Jason M. Lodge

Technologies to enhance self-regulated learning in online learning environments

Handbook of research on educational communications and technology (5th ed.)
2020 | Book chapter
Source: Self-asserted source
Jason M. Lodge

The application of design thinking to convert an on-campus course for online students

Tertiary Online Teaching and Learning
2020 | Book chapter
Source: Self-asserted source
Jason M. Lodge

Understanding the pedagogical practices of biochemistry and molecular biology academics

Australian Educational Researcher
2020 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Jason M. Lodge

2020 vision: What happens next in education technology research in Australia

Australasian Journal of Educational Technology
2020-09-28 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Jason M. Lodge
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Teacher and student interactions in the first year of university

Journal of Further and Higher Education
2020-09-13 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Jason M. Lodge
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Student-staff co-creation in higher education: an evidence-informed model to support future design and implementation

Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management
2020-09-02 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Jason M. Lodge
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Understanding value in the student experience through student–staff partnerships

Higher Education Research & Development
2020-07-28 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Jason M. Lodge
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Continuous evaluation of video lectures from real-time difficulty self-report

2019 ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'19). Glasgow, UK.
2019 | Conference paper
Source: Self-asserted source
Jason M. Lodge

Learning analytics and teaching: A conceptual framework for translation and application

Learning analytics in the classroom: Translating learning analytics research for teachers
2019 | Book chapter
Source: Self-asserted source
Jason M. Lodge

Learning analytics in the classroom: Translating learning analytics research for teachers

2019 | Edited book
Source: Self-asserted source
Jason M. Lodge

Supporting self-regulated learning with learning analytics

Learning analytics in the classroom: Translating learning analytics research for teachers
2019 | Book chapter
Source: Self-asserted source
Jason M. Lodge

Technologies, teaching and learning in higher education

Oxford University Press
2019 | Encyclopedia entry
Source: Self-asserted source
Jason M. Lodge

The role of attention in learning in the digital age

Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine
2019 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Jason M. Lodge

Using formative assessment to influence self- and co-regulated learning: The role of evaluative judgement

European Journal of Psychology of Education
2019 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Jason M. Lodge

Working Together in Learning Analytics Towards the Co-Creation of Value

Journal of Learning Analytics
2019-07-22 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Jason M. Lodge
Preferred source (of 2)‎

What learning analytics can learn from students as partners

Educational Media International
2019-07-03 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Jason M. Lodge
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Seeking optimal confusion: a review on epistemic emotion management in interactive digital learning environments

Interactive Learning Environments
2019-02-17 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Jason M. Lodge
Preferred source (of 2)‎
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