Personal information
Zekai Tahir Burak Obstetric Training and Research Hospital , Saime Kadın Mahallesi, Hamamönü Caddesi, Anaesthesiology Clinic . Ev Adresi: 763. sokak, Naci Çakır Mahallesi, Dikmen Caddesi, No:12/21, Dikmen/ ANKARA. Cell Phone : +90-505-4862277. Mail adresi:
July 2007 -2014 Anaesthesiology Department Zekai Tahir Burak Obstetric Training and Research Hospital , ANKARA – TURKEY. This hospital is the most modern university obstetric-hospital in the country and has 450-inpatient bed availability. It is highly specialized for cesarean section, painless childbirth, gynecological oncology, neonatal surgery (atresia of esophagus, diaphragmatic hernia, laser photocoagulation of premature neonates) .
July 2007 - May 2002 anaesthesia and reanimation training Ankara Atatürk Taining and Research Hospital. I worked as an anesthesia assistant othopedic surgery, neurosurgery, üreolojik surgery, general surgery, otolaryngology, plastic surgery, cardiavascular surgery and 12 beds in the intensive care unit. 2002 May- 2000 October I worked for 2 years as a general practitioner in Ankara health centers. 1999 May- 1998 April Internship, Çukurova University Çukurova School of Medicine, Adana - TURKEY 12-months of rotating internship as the last year of medical school training following clinical rotations of the 4th and 5th years of medical school. The rotations included internal medicine, pediatrics, emergency medicine, psychiatry, general surgery, obstetrics and gynecology. October 1992 - July 1999 Medical Student, Çukurova University Çukurova School of Medicine, Adana - TURKEY It is the most prestigious and well-established medical school in Turkey, which accepts the top scoring candidates who are ranked within the 5% percentile at the National University Entrance Examination centrally organized by Higher Education Council in Turkey. Medical education at Çukurova School of Medicine lasts for 6 academic years. September 1992 - June 1990 Beypazarı High School of Turkey. It is Turkey’s best high school, 3 years of high school. Turkısh is the instruction language in science, mathematics, literature, physical education, art and music.
• June, 1999: The most successful 2th student amongst Beypazarı hihgschool 1999 Alumni with a GPA of 98.02 out of 100.
1.Management Of Unpredıcted Postoperatıve Negatıve Pressure Pulmonary Edema: A Report Of Two Cases E Kesimci, B Aslan, T Gümüs, O Kanbak - The Internet Journal of Scıentıfıc Intenet, 2007.
2.Volatile anesthetics and mucociliary clearance. Kesimci E, Bercin S, Kutluhan A, Ural A, Yamanturk B, Kanbak O, Minerva Anestesiologica [2008, 74(4):107-111]
3.Comparison of the effects of lidocaine, lidocaine plus tramadol and lidocaine plus morphine for intravenous regional anesthesia. Aslan B, Izdeş S, Kesimci E, Gümüş T, Kanbak O, The Journal of the Turkish Society of Algology [2009, 21(1):22-28].
4.Comparison of anesthesia with sevoflurane-N2O and midazolam-remifentanil in low-birth-weight premature infants undergoing diode laser photocoagulation, But A, Arıkan M., Aslan B., Öztürk L.,Tabuk M., Turk J Med Sci 2012; 42(4): 573-579.
5.Cornelia de Lange Sendromlu Bebekte Anestezi Uygulaması
Anesthesia Manangement In Infant With Cornelia de Lange Syndrome, Causapedia hakemli olgu dergisi, Aslan B., Arıkan M.,
6.Karbamazepin Sendromlu Yenidoğanda Total İntravenöz Anestezi Uygulaması (Total Intravenous Anaesthesia in a Newborn with Carbamazepine Syndrom: Case Report). Aslan B.,Arıkan M., Koç M.,Horasanlı E., But A. Turkiye Klinikleri J Anest Reanim 2013;11(1):52-4.
7.Gebe Hastalarda Preoperatif Anksiyete Sebepleri ve Değerlendirilmesi: STAI Skorlarının Karşılaştırılması. Ortadogu Medical Journal / Ortadogu Tip Dergisi . Eyl 2014, Vol. 6 Issue 3, p129-135. 7p. Aslan B.; Arıkan M.; Gedikli A.; Horasanlı E.
8.Comparison of propofol-remifentanil and propofol-ketamine combination for dilatation and currettage: a randomized double blind prospective trial. Arikan M, Aslan B, Arikan O, But A, Horasanli E. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2015 Sep;19(18):3522-7.
9.Comparison of the effects of magnesium and ketamine on postoperative pain and morphine consumption. A double-blind randomized controlled clinical study.Arıkan M, Aslan B, Arıkan O, Horasanlı E, But A.Acta Cir Bras. 2016 Jan;31(1):67-73.
10. Arikan M, Aslan B, Horasanli A, But A (2016) Comparison of Two Different Doses of Fentanyl Combined With Levobupivacaine For Elective Cesarean Section. J Anesth Clin Res, Nov. 2016; 7:687.
Education and qualifications (1)
Works (13)
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