Personal information


Employment (5)

Jinan institute: Tripoli, LB

2018 to present | of many courses of Biology at the Jinan institute for Professor the students of Health and nursing field. (Health and nursing)
Source: Self-asserted source
rayan alwan

Fadel Mokadem high School: Tripoli, LB

2018 to present | teaching biology for Bac1
Source: Self-asserted source
rayan alwan

Université de Limoges: Limoges, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, FR

2014 to 2015 | Supervisor of BS and M1 project (faculty of sciences and technologies)
Source: Self-asserted source
rayan alwan

Laboratory of Pharmacognosy and Ethnopharmacology – Pharmacological faculty – Marseille: Marseille, FR

2012 to 2013 | MS. Research training (Laboratory of Pharmacognosy and Ethnopharmacology)
Source: Self-asserted source
rayan alwan

Safira High School: Tripoli, LB

2011 to 2012 | Teaching Biology for Bac2 (Safira High School)
Source: Self-asserted source
rayan alwan

Education and qualifications (3)

University of Limoges: Limoges, FR

2013-09-07 to 2017-06-23 | PhD in Genomics and Molecular Genetics
Source: Self-asserted source
rayan alwan

Limoges University - Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy: Limoges, FR

2012-09-09 to 2013-07-16 | MS. In Zoonoses and Environment (Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy)
Source: Self-asserted source
rayan alwan

Lebanese university- Faculty of science I: Beirut, LB

2008 to 2011 | BS and M1 in Plant biology and Environment (Faculty of science)
Source: Self-asserted source
rayan alwan

Works (1)

An siRNA-based screen in C2C12 myoblasts identifies novel genes involved in myogenic differentiation

Experimental Cell Research
2017 | Journal article


Contributors: Alwan, R.; Bruel, A.-L.; Da Silva, A.; Blanquet, V.; Bouhouche, K.
Source: Self-asserted source
rayan alwan via Scopus - Elsevier