Personal information
Dr. Sandra Stroj is Senior Scientist at the Research Center for Microtechnology, FH Vorarlberg. Her research concentrates on physical mechanisms of laser ablation (material removal) of selected materials with ultrashort laser pulses and its possible applications. The emphasis lies on material classes which are hard to process with conventional means and conventional laser sources and on materials and material systems, respectively, which are considered as promising for future microsystems.
In the year 2005 she worked at the “Institute of Electronic Structure and laser” at the Foundation of Research and Development (FORTH) in Crete/Greece as a Marie Curie Fellow. In 2008 she finished her PhD studies at the Technical University of Vienna.
In April 2010 she was honored with the “Special prize for support of young academics” from the Land of Vorarlberg. From 2013 to 2018 she was the head of the “Josef Ressel Center for materials processing with ultrashort pulsed lasers”. In 2022 she was honored with the “CDG Prize for Research and Innovation” from the Christian Doppler Research Association.
Besides her work as a researcher she is involved in academic education at the FHV where she is giving lectures for master students in the field of laser physics, applied optics and microoptics. In the years 2009 and 2012 she was giving lectures in the field of laser physics at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria as an external lecturer.