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Arabic literature, Postcolonial studies, Literary theory, Literature and history, World literatures, Critical theory, Cultural history, History of geography
Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Palestinian Territories


Employment (5)

University of Oxford: Oxford, GB

2017 to present | Professor of Arabic and Comparative Literature (Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies)
Source: Self-asserted source
Mohamed-Salah Omri

University of Oxford: Oxford, GB

2010 to present | Tutorial Fellow in Modern Arabic (St John's College)
Source: Self-asserted source
Mohamed-Salah Omri

University of Oxford: Oxford, GB

2010-09 to 2017 | Associate Professor of Modern Arabic Literature (Faculty of Oriental Studies)
Source: Self-asserted source
Mohamed-Salah Omri

Washington University in St. Louis: St Louis, US

2008-01 to 2010-09 | Associate Professor of Arabic Language and Literature
Source: Self-asserted source
Mohamed-Salah Omri

University of Exeter: Exeter, GB

1998 to 2007 | Senior Lecturer in Arabic (Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies)
Source: Self-asserted source
Mohamed-Salah Omri

Education and qualifications (1)

Washington University in St. Louis: MO, MO, US

1992 to 2001 | PhD (comparative literature)
Source: Self-asserted source
Mohamed-Salah Omri

Works (17)

Tunisian Literature and the Language Question: The Long View of a Recurring Debate

Comparative Critical Studies
2024-06 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1744-1854
Part of ISSN: 1750-0109
Contributors: Mohamed-Salah Omri
Source: Self-asserted source
Mohamed-Salah Omri

Literature, Democracy and Transitional Justice: Comparative World Perspectives

2022-12-10 | Book
Contributors: Mohamed-Salah Omri; Philippe Roussin
Source: Self-asserted source
Mohamed-Salah Omri

Arabic Historical Literature from Ghādamis and Mali: Documents from the 18th to the 20th century by Harry T. Norris, Abdaljabbar A. Assaghir

The Maghreb Review
2021 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2754-6772
Contributors: Mohamed-Salah Omri
Source: Self-asserted source
Mohamed-Salah Omri

Écriture et liberté en Tunisie

Escribir la democracia
2019 | Book chapter

Part of ISBN: 9788490962220
Contributors: Mohamed-Salah Omri
Source: check_circle

The labour union movement and ‘alternative’ culture in Tunisia: the long view of a close relationship

Where Are The Unions?
2017 | Book chapter
Part of ISBN: 9781783609895
Part of ISBN: 9781350223929
Contributors: Mohamed-Salah Omri
Source: Self-asserted source
Mohamed-Salah Omri

Minding Borders

2017-11-01 | Book
Contributors: Nicola Gardini; Adriana X. Jacobs; Ben Morgan; Mohamed-Salah Omri; Matthew Reynolds
Source: Self-asserted source
Mohamed-Salah Omri via Crossref Metadata Search

Confluency (tarafud) Between Trade Unionism, Culture and Revolution in Tunisia

Tunisian General Union of Labour
2016 | Book
Contributors: Mohamed-Salah Omri
Source: Self-asserted source
Mohamed-Salah Omri

University and Society within the Context of the Arab Revolutions and New Humanism (Tunis: Rosa Luxembourg Foundation, 2016)

Rosa Luxemburg Foundation Edition
2016 | Book
Contributors: Mohsen El Khouni; Mouldi Guessoumi; Mohamed-Salah Omri
Source: Self-asserted source
Mohamed-Salah Omri

No Ordinary Union: UGTT and the Tunisian path to revolution and transition

Workers of the World: International Journal on Strikes and Social Conflict
2015-11-01 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2182-8938
Contributors: Mohamed-Salah Omri
Source: Self-asserted source
Mohamed-Salah Omri

Comparative Criticism: Histories and Methods

Comparative Critical Studies
2015-06 | Journal issue or edition
Part of ISSN: 1744-1854
Part of ISSN: 1750-0109
Contributors: Mathew Reynolds; Mohamed-Salah Omri; Ben Morgan
Source: Self-asserted source
Mohamed-Salah Omri

al-Shabbi, Abu al-Qasim

Oxford University Press
2012 | Dictionary entry
Contributors: Mohamed-Salah Omri
Source: Self-asserted source
Mohamed-Salah Omri

Trade and Cultural Exchange in the Early Modern Mediterranean

I.B. Tauris
2010 | Book
Contributors: Maria Fusaro; Colin Heywood; Mohamed-Salah Omri
Source: Self-asserted source
Mohamed-Salah Omri

Interview with Mahmud al-Mas'adi

Comparative Critical Studies
2007 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1750-0109
Contributors: Mohamed-Salah Omri; Maḥmūd. Masʻadī
Source: Self-asserted source
Mohamed-Salah Omri

The Novelization of Islamic Literatures

Comparative Critical Studies
2007 | Journal issue or edition
Part of ISSN: 1750-0109
Part of ISSN: 1744-1854
Contributors: Mohamed-Salah Omri
Source: Self-asserted source
Mohamed-Salah Omri

Nationalism, Islam and World Literature

2006-09-27 | Book
Contributors: Mohamed-Salah Omri
Source: Self-asserted source
Mohamed-Salah Omri via Crossref Metadata Search

La Grande Bretagne et le Maghreb : Etat de Recherche et Contacts Culturels

Actes du 1er Congrès International sur: La Grande Bretagne et le Maghreb : Etat de Recherche et Contacts Culturels
2002 | Conference output
Contributors: Abdeljelil Temimi; Mohamed-Salah Omri
Source: Self-asserted source
Mohamed-Salah Omri

The Movement of People and Ideas Between Britain and the Maghreb

Actes du IIème Congrès du Dialogue Britano-Maghrébin
2002 | Conference output
Contributors: Abdeljelil Temimi; Mohamed-Salah Omri
Source: Self-asserted source
Mohamed-Salah Omri