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Works (7)

Becoming a “Winning” Radiology Group in a Value-Based Medical Reimbursement System: A Summary of the ACR-RBMA Practice Leaders Forum 2017

Journal of the American College of Radiology
2017-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Suraj Jay Kabadi
Source: Self-asserted source
Suraj Kabadi via Crossref Metadata Search

Strategies for Improving the Value of the Radiology Report: A Retrospective Analysis of Errors in Formally Over-read Studies

Journal of the American College of Radiology
2017-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Suraj Jay Kabadi; Arun Krishnaraj
Source: Self-asserted source
Suraj Kabadi via Crossref Metadata Search

Multilesion glioblastoma multiforme in the modern chemo-radiotherapy era: an analysis of pattern of failure and overall survival

Journal of Radiation Oncology
2017-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Daniel M. Trifiletti; Colin Hill; Allison Garda; Suraj Kabadi; Neil R. Shah; Jason P. Sheehan; James M. Larner
Source: Self-asserted source
Suraj Kabadi via Crossref Metadata Search

Sponge Lung: Pulmonary edema superimposed on emphysema

Applied Radiology
2016-10-15 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Suraj Kabadi

Improved computer-aided detection of small polyps in CT colonography using interpolation for curvature estimationa)

Medical Physics
2011-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Jiamin Liu; Suraj Kabadi; Robert Van Uitert; Nicholas Petrick; Rachid Deriche; Ronald M. Summers
Source: Self-asserted source
Suraj Kabadi via Crossref Metadata Search

Feasibility of Geometric-Intensity-Based Semi-Automated Delineation of the Tentorium Cerebelli from MRI Scans

Journal of Neuroimaging
2011-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Neeraja Penumetcha; Suraj Kabadi; Bruno Jedynak; Charles Walcutt; Mokhtar H. Gado; Lei Wang; J. Tilak Ratnanather
Source: Self-asserted source
Suraj Kabadi via Crossref Metadata Search

High-performance computer aided detection system for polyp detection in CT colonography with fluid and fecal tagging

Medical Imaging 2009: Computer-Aided Diagnosis
2009-02 | Conference paper
Contributors: Jiamin Liu; Shijun Wang; Suraj Kabadi; Ronald M. Summers; Nico Karssemeijer; Maryellen L. Giger
Source: Self-asserted source
Suraj Kabadi via Crossref Metadata Search