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marine data management, website development, web infrastructure for data management


I can be considered as a European expert in the domain of ocean and marine data and information management, and in applying internet technologies, but also in finding ways for organising feasible solutions and managing developments and cooperations on a transnational scale.
* Technical coordinator Blue-Cloud pilot (HORIZON 2020) (see
* Technical ccordinator SeaDataCloud project (HORIZON 2020) (see
* Coordinator EMODnet Ingestion and safe-keeping of marine data 1 and 2 - European Marine Data & Observation network (see
* Technical coordinator EMODnet High-Resolution Seabed mapping 2, 3, 4 and 5 - European Marine Data & Observation network (see
* Technical coordinator EMODnet Chemistry 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 - European Marine Data & Observation network (see
* Partner EMODnet Physics 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5- European Marine Data & Observation network (see
* Partner EOSC-FUTURE project (Horizon 2020)
* Partner EGI-ACE project (Horizon 2020)
* Partner ENVRI-FAIR project (Horizon 2020)
* Partner EOSC-HUB project (Horizon 2020)
* Technical coordinator ODIP (FP7) and ODIP II (Horizon 2020) - Ocean Data Interoperability Platform (see
* Partner AtlantOS (Horizon 2s020) (see
* Technical coordinator SeaDataNet (FP6) and SeaDataNet II (FP7) – Pan-European infrastructure for access to metadata, data and data-products (see
* Partner JERICO-Next and JERICO-S3 (Horizon 2020) (see
* Coordinator EMODnet Seabed mapping and Bathymetry 1 - European Marine Data & Observation network (see
* Partner Eurofleets (FP6), Eurofleets 2 (FP7), and Eurofleets+ (see
* Partner ClipC (FP7) – Climate Information Portal for Copernicus (see
* Partner Micro-B3 (FP7) - Biodiversity, Bioinformatics, Biotechnology (see
* Partner CitClops (FP7) – Citizen Observatories (see
* Coordinator BlackSeaSCENE (FP6) and Upgrade BlackSeaSCENE (FP7) – Infrastructure for the Black Sea region (see
* Technical coordinator Geo-Seas (FP7) - Pan-European infrastructure for access to marine geological and geophysical data sets (see
* Coordinator SIMORC (6FP and EESD) – Portal for metocean data of the global oil & gas industry (see


Employment (2)

Mariene Informatie Service BV: Voorburg, Zuid-Holland, NL

1995 to present | Managing Director
Source: Self-asserted source
Dick M.A. Schaap

Rijkswaterstaat North Sea Directorate: Rijswijk, Zuid-Holland, NL

1980 to 1995 | Head of Hydro-Meteo Department / Member Technical Affairs / Project manager MARIS project (Maritime Affairs / Technical Affairs)
Source: Self-asserted source
Dick M.A. Schaap

Education and qualifications (1)

Delft University of Technology: Delft, Zuid-Holland, NL

1973-09-01 to 1980 | Master of Science (Civil Engineering - Coastal Engineering )
Source: Self-asserted source
Dick M.A. Schaap

Works (17)

EMODnet as the EU data platform for marine litter data 

2025-03-26 | Preprint
Contributors: Alessandra Giorgetti; Matteo Vinci; Maria Eugenia Molina Jack; Dick Schaap
Source: check_circle

BEACON - Accelerating access to multidisciplinary data with Relative Optimized Chunking technology

2025-03-18 | Preprint
Contributors: Robin Kooyman; Peter Thijsse; Dick Schaap; Tjerk Krijger
Source: check_circle

BEACON Binary Format (BBF) - Optimizing data storage and access to large data collections

2025-03-18 | Preprint
Contributors: Tjerk Krijger; Peter Thijsse; Robin Kooyman; Dick Schaap
Source: check_circle

Blue-Cloud 2026 project - Deploying BEACON data lakes for harmonizing ocean data access for Virtual Research Environments

2025-03-18 | Preprint
Contributors: Dick M. A. Schaap; Peter Thijsse; Tjerk Krijger; Robin Kooyman
Source: check_circle

Bridging metadata gaps for FAIR multidisciplinary data access in Virtual Research Environments - Insights from Blue-Cloud2026 and FAIR-EASE

2025-03-18 | Preprint
Contributors: Paul Weerheim; Peter Thijsse; Dick Schaap; Tjerk Krijger; Alexandra Kokkinaki; Enrico Boldrini
Source: check_circle

Closing coastal and marine observation gaps thanks to cost-effective solutions

2025-03-18 | Preprint
Contributors: Peter Thijsse; Tjerk Krijger; Dick Schaap; Emilie Breviere; Patrick Gorringe; Antonio Novellino
Source: check_circle

iMagine: AI-Powered Image Analysis for Aquatic Science

2025-03-18 | Preprint
Contributors: Ilaria Fava; Gergely Sipos; Dick Schaap; Álvaro López García; Valentin Kozlov
Source: check_circle

SeaDataNet, panEuropean infrastructure for marine and ocean data management and its relations with EMODnet, Blue-Cloud2026, and DTO

2025-03-18 | Preprint
Contributors: Dick M. A. Schaap; Athanasia Iona; Steven Piel; Marine Vernet; Serge Scory; Alessandra Giorgetti; Alexandra Kokkinaki
Source: check_circle

A flexible open brokering framework supporting distributed semantic discovery 

2025-03-15 | Preprint
Contributors: Enrico Boldrini; Roberto Roncella; Fabrizio Papeschi; Paolo Mazzetti; Alexandra Kokkinaki; Gwenaëlle Moncoiffé; Tjerk Krijger; Paul Weerheim; Dick Schaap
Source: check_circle

Boosting interoperability of EMODnet chemistry aggregated datasets with a new point of access

2025-03-15 | Preprint
Contributors: Maria Eugenia Molina Jack; Sebastian Plehan; Luminita Buga; Julie Gatti; Athanasia Iona; Martin M. Larsen; Ann Kristin Østrem; Matteo Vinci; Karin Wesslander; Dick Schaap et al.
Source: check_circle

Data exchange and integration: Use cases for EMODnet Chemistry

2025-03-15 | Preprint
Contributors: Alessandra Giorgetti; Chiara Altobelli; Dick M.A. Schaap; Luminita Buga; Lotta Fyrberg; Julie Gatti; Neil Holdsworth; Athanasia Iona; Martin Mørk Larsen; Reiner Schlitzer et al.
Source: check_circle

IRISCC: Advancing Environmental Science through Integrated Services for Climate Change Risks

2025-03-15 | Preprint
Contributors: Päivi Haapanala; Magdalena Brus; Nikolaos Nikolaidis; Jaana Bäck; Niku Kivekäs; Werner Kutsch; Dick Schaap; Klaus Steenberg Larsen; Rosa Maria Petracca Altieri; Cathrine Lund Myhre et al.
Source: check_circle

Blue-Cloud 2026, services to deliver, access and analyse FAIR & Open marine data

2025-01-20 | Preprint
Contributors: Dick M. A. Schaap; Tjerk Krijger; Sara Pittonet; Pasquale Pagano
Source: check_circle

Digital Twin of the North Sea and modular approach for reuse in other applications

2025-01-20 | Preprint
Contributors: Tjerk Krijger; Peter Thijsse; Dick Schaap; Jasper van den Barg
Source: check_circle

iMagine, AI-supported imaging data and services for ocean and marine science

2025-01-20 | Preprint
Contributors: Ilaria Fava; Alvaro Lopez Garcia; Dick Schaap; Tjerk Krijer; Gergely Sipos; Valentin Kozlov
Source: check_circle

IRISCC: supporting society’s capacity to address and strengthen resilience to climate change risks 

2025-01-20 | Preprint
Contributors: Janne Rinne; Magdalena Brus; Nikolaos Nikolaidis; Jaana Bäck; Paolo Laj; Werner Kutsch; Dick Schaap; Klaus Steenberg Larsen; Sabine Phillippin; Rosa Petracca Altieri et al.
Source: check_circle

Dashboard for the State of the Environment

2023-06-06 | Preprint
Contributors: Alex Vermeulen; Dick Schaap; Angeliki Adamaki; Tjerk Krijger; Raul Bardaji; Andreu Fornos; Ivan Rodero; Damien Boulanger; Cathrine Myhre; Richard Rud et al.
Source: check_circle