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Dr. Ashraf Masood graduated with first position and Prime Minister’s Gold Medal in 1980. He also won Gold medal for his distinguished position in BSc (Telecommunication Engineering) at University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore in 1985. He did his MS and PhD in Electrical Engineering from Michigan State University, USA in 1990 and 1992 respectively. Since then, he is actively involved in R&D of communication and information security products at Signals R&D Establishment which has led to the development of several ICT security systems currently being used across the country in government and private sector. In recognition to this work, he was awarded National IT Excellence Award in IT R&D for two consecutive years in 2004 and 2005. He has also been member of Technical Evaluation Committee of National Telecommunication and Information Security Board, Government of Pakistan for 15 years. He is on the faculty of National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST) since its inception in 1991 and spearheaded the development of postgraduate program in information security at MCS campus of NUST in 1996. So far, he has supervised 12 Masters and 2 PhD scholars with over 40 publications in international journals and conferences. Currently, he is Dean of MCS Campus of NUST. He is also active member of Pakistan Information Security Association, Computer Society of Pakistan and Chair IEEE Communication Society Islamabad Chapter.