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My research interest is in Hydraulic Engineering, scouring, sediment transport, and machine learning. I have a comprehensive background in T-shape confluences and open channel junctions, especially in rectangular and trapezoidal channels, and scouring at rivers, watersheds, and underground hydraulics. Moreover, I am enthusiastic about understanding the flow characteristics around tandem bridge piers, such as vortex shedding, wake formation, and pressure distribution by using CFD simulations to study complex flow phenomena such as turbulence, separation, and reattachment that occur when water flows around two or more bridge piers placed in tandem. Another important research field in which we got valuable results is utilizing Machine learning models (e.g., regression, deep learning, or ensemble methods) for training to predict key flow parameters (e.g., velocity profiles, vortex shedding frequencies) based on input parameters such as pier spacing, flow velocity, and Reynolds number.