Personal information
Full Professor in GEOMATICS (SSD ICAR/06), Engineering Faculty, DICEA - Department of Construction, Civil Engineering and Architecture, Università Politecnica delle Marche
Her research is involved in different fields of Geomatics: from Cultural Heritage to Land Use, from acquisition with digital tools to management of increasingly complex data in GIS/(H)BIM, 3D and CityGML. Her teaching activity is applicable at different academic courses at the Engineering Faculty, in Italian and English language. She has the ECDL –GIS certificate like trainer and examiner. She is the author of more than 224 publications. Her actual bibliographic indexes in Scopus are: 92 papers, 1378 citations and 16 of H-index.
She is associated with CNR-ISPC and has with the same several MAECI projects: Chan Chan (Unesco site in Peru), Land of Nineveh Kurdistan, Jordan and Albania. She was a member of the COST "Cyberparks" and is actually a member of the COST Action "Underground Built Heritage as a catalyst for Community Valorisation." She is Leader of MAECI's Great Bilateral Relevance Project for Science and Technology Cooperation between the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and Italy and PI for the project ISFP-2019-AG-OPC - EU, SIGNIFICANCE " Stop Illicit heritaGe traffickiNg wIth artiFICiAl iNtelligenCE". She is a member of ICOMOS and Expert Member of CIPA-HD. Co-founder of two UNIVPM spin-offs: SI2G srl and EVE srl. She is working with three Interdepartmental Centers: SFARM, CIRP and DiMaCo.
Employment (1)
Education and qualifications (2)
Works (50 of 75)