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Employment (1)

U.S. Department of the Interior: Kearneysville, WV, US

1985-04-14 to present | Research Fishery Biologist (U.S. Geological Survey)
Source: Self-asserted source
Vicki Blazer

Education and qualifications (2)

University of Rhode Island: Kingston, RI, US

1977-01-04 to 1982-10-08 | PhD
Source: Self-asserted source
Vicki Blazer

Southampton College of Long Island University: Southampton, New York, US

1972-09-04 to 1976-05-15 | BS (Marine Biology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Vicki Blazer

Works (37)

Factors Influencing the Prevalence of Hyperpigmented Melanistic Lesions in Smallmouth Bass Micropterus dolomieu in the Susquehanna River Basin, Pennsylvania

Journal of Fish Diseases
2025-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Megan K. Schall; Geoffrey D. Smith; Vicki S. Blazer; Heather L. Walsh; Tyler Wagner
Source: check_circle

Integrated science for the study of microplastics in the environment—A strategic science vision for the U.S. Geological Survey

2024 | Report
Contributors: Deborah D. Iwanowicz; Austin K. Baldwin; Larry B. Barber; Vicki S. Blazer; Steven R. Corsi; Joseph W. Duris; Shawn C. Fisher; Michael Focazio; Sarah E. Janssen; Jeramy R. Jasmann et al.
Source: check_circle

Temporal analysis of water chemistry and smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) health at two sites with divergent land use in the Susquehanna River watershed, Pennsylvania, USA

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
2024-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Heather L. Walsh; Geoffrey D. Smith; Megan K. Schall; Stephanie E. Gordon; Vicki S. Blazer
Source: check_circle

Tissue distribution and temporal and spatial assessment of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) in the mid-Atlantic United States

Environmental Science and Pollution Research
2024-09-30 | Journal article
Contributors: Vicki S. Blazer; Heather L. Walsh; Cheyenne R. Smith; Stephanie E. Gordon; Brandon J. Keplinger; Timothy A. Wertz
Source: check_circle

Pesticides in small volume plasma samples: Method development and application to smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) from the Chesapeake Bay watershed, USA

2024-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Michael S. Gross; Vicki S. Blazer; Michelle L. Hladik
Source: check_circle

A multi-level assessment of biological effects associated with mercury concentrations in smallmouth bass, Micropterus dolomieu

Environmental Pollution
2023-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Vicki S. Blazer; Heather L. Walsh; Adam J. Sperry; Brenna Raines; James J. Willacker; Collin A. Eagles-Smith
Source: check_circle

Application of a Lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-Stimulated Mitogenesis Assay in Smallmouth Bass (Micropterus dolomieu) to Augment Wild Fish Health Studies

2023-03-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Cheyenne R. Smith; Christopher A. Ottinger; Heather L. Walsh; Patricia M. Mazik; Vicki S. Blazer
Source: check_circle

A case study: temporal trends of environmental stressors and reproductive health of smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) from a site in the Potomac River Watershed, Maryland, USA

2022-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Heather L. Walsh; Stephanie E. Gordon; Adam J. Sperry; Michael Kashiwagi; John Mullican; Vicki S. Blazer
Source: check_circle

Development of a Multiplex Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization Assay to Identify Coinfections in Young-of-the-Year Smallmouth Bass

Journal of Aquatic Animal Health
2022-03-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Heather L. Walsh; Vicki S. Blazer; Patricia M. Mazik
Source: check_circle

Identification of Aphanomyces invadans, the cause of epizootic ulcerative syndrome, in smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) from the Cheat River, West Virginia, USA

Journal of Fish Diseases
2021-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Heather L. Walsh; Vicki S. Blazer; Patricia M. Mazik
Source: check_circle

Correction to: Mercury bioaccumulation in freshwater fishes of the Chesapeake Bay watershed

2021-07-17 | Journal article
Contributors: James J. Willacker; Collin A. Eagles-Smith; Vicki S. Blazer
Source: check_circle

Retrospective analysis of estrogenic endocrine disruption and land-use influences in the Chesapeake Bay watershed

2021-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Vicki S. Blazer; Stephanie Gordon; Daniel K. Jones; Luke R. Iwanowicz; Heather L. Walsh; Adam J. Sperry; Kelly L. Smalling
Source: check_circle

Modeling estrogenic activity in streams throughout the Potomac and Chesapeake Bay watersheds

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
2021-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Stephanie Gordon; Daniel K. Jones; Vicki S. Blazer; Luke Iwanowicz; Brianna Williams; Kelly Smalling
Source: check_circle

Assessment of microscopic pathology in fishes collected at sites impacted by wood tar in Pennsylvania

2020 | Report
Contributors: Heather L. Walsh; Vicki S. Blazer; Patricia M. Mazik; Adam J. Sperry; Diana Pavlick
Source: check_circle

Development of a suite of functional immune assays and initial assessment of their utility in wild smallmouth bass health assessments

2020 | Report
Contributors: Cheyenne R. Smith; Christopher A. Ottinger; Heather L. Walsh; Vicki S. Blazer
Source: check_circle

Modified QuEChERS extraction for the analysis of young-of-year smallmouth bass using GC × GC-TOFMS

Analytical Methods
2020 | Journal article
Contributors: Paige Teehan; Megan K. Schall; Vicki S. Blazer; Beate Gruber; Frank L. Dorman
Source: check_circle

Effects of early life stage exposure of largemouth bass to atrazine or a model estrogen (17α-ethinylestradiol)

2020-10-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Jessica K. Leet; Catherine A. Richter; Robert S. Cornman; Jason P. Berninger; Ramji K. Bhandari; Diane K. Nicks; James L. Zajicek; Vicki S. Blazer; Donald E. Tillitt
Source: check_circle

Malignant melanoma of brown bullhead (Ameiurus nebulosus) in Lake Memphremagog, Vermont/Quebec

Journal of Fish Diseases
2020-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Vicki S. Blazer; Cassidy H. Shaw; Cheyenne R. Smith; Peter Emerson; Thomas Jones
Source: check_circle

Assessment of skin and liver neoplasms in white sucker (Catostomus commersonii) collected in the Sheboygan River Area of Concern, Wisconsin, in 2017

2019 | Report
Contributors: Vicki S. Blazer; Heather L. Walsh; Ryan P. Braham; Patricia M. Mazik
Source: check_circle

An evaluation of the toxicity of potassium chloride, active compound in the molluscicide potash, on salmonid fish and their forage base

2018 | Report
Contributors: Christine L. Densmore; Luke R. Iwanowicz; Anne P. Henderson; Vicki S. Blazer; Baileigh M. Reed-Grimmett; Lakyn R. Sanders
Source: check_circle

Assessment of skin and liver neoplasms in brown bullhead (Ameiurus nebulosus) collected at the Ashtabula River Area of Concern and associated reference site, Ohio, in 2016

2018 | Report
Contributors: Vicki S. Blazer; Heather L. Walsh; Ryan P. Braham
Source: check_circle

Indicators of exposure to estrogenic compounds at Great Lakes Areas of Concern: species and site comparisons

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
2018-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Vicki S. Blazer; Heather L. Walsh; Cassidy H. Shaw; Luke R. Iwanowicz; Ryan P. Braham; Patricia M. Mazik
Source: check_circle

Micronuclei and other erythrocyte nuclear abnormalities in fishes from the Great Lakes Basin, USA

Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis
2017-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Ryan P. Braham; Vicki S. Blazer; Cassidy H. Shaw; Patricia M. Mazik
Source: check_circle

Evaluation of Genetic Population Structure of Smallmouth Bass in the Susquehanna River Basin, Pennsylvania

North American Journal of Fisheries Management
2017-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Megan K. Schall; Meredith L. Bartron; Timothy Wertz; Jonathan M. Niles; Cassidy H. Shaw; Vicki S. Blazer; Tyler Wagner
Source: check_circle

Dermocystidium sp. Infection in Blue Ridge Sculpin Captured in Maryland

Journal of Aquatic Animal Health
2016-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Vicki S. Blazer; Nathaniel P. Hitt; Craig D. Snyder; Erin L. Snook; Cynthia R. Adams
Source: check_circle

U.S. Geological Survey Chesapeake science strategy, 2015-2025—Informing ecosystem management of America’s largest estuary

2015 | Report
Contributors: Scott Phillips; Joel D. Blomquist; Mark Bennett; Alicia Berlin; Vicki Blazer; Peter R. Claggett; Stephen Faulkner; Kenneth Hyer; Cassandra Ladino; Douglas Moyer et al.
Source: check_circle

Assessment of the fish tumor beneficial use impairment in brown bullhead (<i>Ameiurus nebulosus</i>) at selected Great Lakes Areas of Concern

2014 | Report
Contributors: Vicki Blazer; Patricia M. Mazik; Luke R. Iwanowicz; Ryan P. Braham; Cassidy M. Hahn; Heather L. Walsh; Adam J. Sperry
Source: check_circle

Reproductive health of yellow perch, Perca flavescens, in Chesapeake Bay Tributaries

2013 | Report
Contributors: Vicki Blazer; A.E. Pinkney; James H. Uphoff
Source: check_circle

Endocrine active chemicals and endocrine disruption in Minnesota streams and lakes: Implications for aquatic resources, 1994-2008

2010 | Report
Contributors: Kathy Lee; Heiko L. Schoenfuss; Larry B. Barber; Jeff H. Writer; Vicki Blazer; Richard L. Keisling; Mark L. Ferrey
Source: check_circle

Biomonitoring of Environmental Status and Trends (BEST) Program: Environmental contaminants, health indicators, and reproductive biomarkers in fish from the Mobile, Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint, Savannah, and Pee Dee River Basins

2007 | Report
Contributors: Jo Ellen Hinck; Vicki Blazer; Nancy D. Denslow; Kathy R. Echols; Robert W. Gale; Tom W. May; Rachael Claunch; Carla Wieser; Patrick Anderson; James J. Coyle et al.
Source: check_circle

Synthesis of U.S. Geological Survey science for the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem and implications for environmental management

2007 | Report
Contributors: Scott W. Ator; Vicki S. Blazer; John W. Brakebill; Donald R. Cahoon; Peter R. Claggett; Thomas M. Cronin; Judith M. Denver; Christine L. Densmore; Allen C. Gellis; Cliff R. Hupp et al.
Source: check_circle

Fish health study Ashtabula River natural resource damage assessment

2006 | Report
Contributors: V. S. Blazer; L. R. Iwanowicz; P. C. Baumann
Source: check_circle

Biomonitoring of Environmental Status and Trends (BEST) Program: Environmental contaminants and their effects on fish in the Columbia River Basin

2004 | Report
Contributors: Jo Ellen Hinck; Christopher J. Schmitt; Timothy M. Bartish; Nancy D. Denslow; Vicki Blazer; Patrick J. Anderson; James J. Coyle; Gail M. Dethloff; Donald E. Tillitt
Source: check_circle

Biomonitoring of Environmental Status and Trends (BEST) Program: Environmental contaminants and their effects on fish in the Rio Grande Basin

2004 | Report
Contributors: Christopher J. Schmitt; Gail M. Dethloff; Jo Ellen Hinck; Timothy M. Bartish; Vicki Blazer; James J. Coyle; Nancy D. Denslow; Donald E. Tillitt
Source: check_circle

Biomonitoring of Environmental Status and Trends (BEST) Program: Environmental contaminants and their effects on fish in the Yukon River Basin

2004 | Report
Contributors: Jo Ellen Hinck; Timothy M. Bartish; Vicki Blazer; Nancy D. Denslow; Tim S. Gross; Mark S. Myers; Patrick J. Anderson; Carl E. Orazio; Donald E. Tillitt
Source: check_circle

The U.S. Geological Survey and the Chesapeake Bay – The role of science in environmental restoration

2002 | Report
Contributors: Roger A. Barlow; John W. Brakebill; John F. Bratton; Vicki S. Blazer; John Karl Bohlke; Owen P. Bricker; Steve M. Colman; Thomas M. Cronin; Cliff R. Hupp; Janet R. Keough et al.
Source: check_circle

Biomonitoring of Environmental Status and Trends (BEST) Program: Field procedures for assessing the exposure of fish to environmental contaminants

1999 | Report
Contributors: Christopher J. Schmitt; Vicki S. Blazer; Gail M. Dethloff; Donald E. Tillitt; Timothy S. Gross; Wade L. Bryant, Jr.; L. Rod DeWeese; Ronald W. Goede; Timothy M. Bartish; Timothy J. Kubiak
Source: check_circle

Peer review (3 reviews for 1 publication/grant)

Review activity for Environmental monitoring and assessment. (3)