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Collective Entrepreneurship, Minority Entrepreneurship, Strategic Management, Organizational Economics, Agribusiness
United States


Dr. Entsminger is a researcher and educator specialized in the organizational economics of agro-food systems. Current projects on which he is working deal with organizational systematics (the formation of taxonomic classifications) of Local and Regional Food System agents and entrepreneurship in agriculture by those from Minority, Marginalized, and Socially Disadvantaged (MMSD) communities. Both is educational and professional background is multi-disciplinary, having studied and worked in settings that incorporate theories and tools from fields of inquiry including Economics, Sociology, Political Science, Philosophy, Biology, and Ecology. This background is also multi-national, incorporating perspectives from graduate education in the European Union and a previous focus on international trade and development economics. Passionate about improving economic opportunity for all, Dr. Entsminger hopes to build a career of service, making a positive difference in the organizations for which he works.


Employment (4)

University of Maine: Orono, Maine, US

2022-09-15 to present | Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation and State Extension Specialist for Small Business (Maine Business School and UMaine Cooperative Extension)
Source: Self-asserted source
Jason Scott Entsminger

Northeast Regional Center for Rural Development: University Park, PA, US

2021-02-15 to 2022-09-14 | Associate Director
Source: Self-asserted source
Jason Scott Entsminger

The Pennsylvania State University: University Park, PA, US

2021-02-15 to 2022-06-30 | Assistant Research Professor and Associate Director of NERCRD (Agricultural Economics, Sociology, and Education)
Source: Self-asserted source
Jason Scott Entsminger

University of Missouri: Columbia, MO, US

2015-08-15 to 2021-02-15 | Research Fellow (prior: Research Associate) (McQuinn Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership)
Source: Self-asserted source
Jason Scott Entsminger

Education and qualifications (6)

University of Missouri: Columbia, MO, US

2015-08-15 to 2020-12-18 | PhD - Agricultural and Applied Economics (Managerial, Behavioral, and Organizational Economics specialization) (Applied Social Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Jason Scott Entsminger

Universiteit Gent: Ghent, Belgium, BE

2010-08 to 2013-02-14 | International Master of Science in Rural Development (IMRD Consortium (High-mobility multi-national joint degree programme))
Source: Self-asserted source
Jason Scott Entsminger

University of Florida: Gainesville, Florida, US

2010-08 to 2012-12-18 | Master of Science in Food and Resource Economics (Food and Resource Economics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Jason Scott Entsminger

University of Nevada Reno: Reno, Nevada, US

2005-08 to 2010-05-15 | Bachelor of Science in Agricultural and Applied Economics (Resource Economics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Jason Scott Entsminger

University of Nevada Reno: Reno, Nevada, US

2005-08 to 2010-05-15 | Bachelor of Arts in International Affairs - Law, Diplomacy, and Comparative Political Organization (Political Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Jason Scott Entsminger

University of Nevada Reno: Reno, Nevada, US

2005-08 to 2010-05-15 | Bachelor of Arts in French Language and Literature (Foreign Languages and Literatures)
Source: Self-asserted source
Jason Scott Entsminger

Funding (6)

Factors affecting the success of female and minority rural entrepreneurs and rural economic vitality

2023-05-15 to 2026-05-14 | Grant
National Institute of Food and Agriculture (Washington D.C., US)
Source: Self-asserted source
Jason Scott Entsminger via DimensionsWizard

Rural Community Well-Being: Using Tourism Indicators to Identify, Understand and Address COVID Pandemic Impacts and Strategies for Resilency

2022-01-01 to 2025-12-31 | Grant
National Institute of Food and Agriculture (Washington D.C., US)
GRANT_NUMBER: 2022-68006-36453
Source: Self-asserted source
Jason Scott Entsminger via DimensionsWizard


2021-09-01 to 2023-08-31 | Grant
National Institute of Food and Agriculture (Washington D.C., US)
GRANT_NUMBER: 2021-51150-34733
Source: Self-asserted source
Jason Scott Entsminger via DimensionsWizard

Collective Entrepreneurship Research and Education for Socially-disadvantaged Small- and Medium-Food System Enterprises

2021-01-01 to 2023-03-31 | Grant
National Institute of Food and Agriculture (Washington D.C., US)
GRANT_NUMBER: 2021-68006-33835
Source: Self-asserted source
Jason Scott Entsminger via DimensionsWizard

The Northeast Regional Center for Rural Development

2020-09-01 to 2023-08-31 | Grant
National Institute of Food and Agriculture (Washington D.C., US)
GRANT_NUMBER: 2020-51150-31870
Source: Self-asserted source
Jason Scott Entsminger via DimensionsWizard

Collective Entrepreneurship in Agri-Food

2014-01-15 to 2019-01-01 | Grant
National Institute of Food and Agriculture (Washington D.C., US)
Source: Self-asserted source
Jason Scott Entsminger via DimensionsWizard

Works (9)

The Challenge of Controlled Environment Agriculture: Technological Innovation and Consumer Demand for Natural

2024 | Book chapter
Contributors: Lucy M. McGowan; Erin L. Percival Carter; Jason S. Entsminger
Source: check_circle

Multi-method research in the digital age: A methodological case study of a broad-scale rapid rural appraisal

Community Development
2024-12-15 | Journal article
Contributors: Jason Entsminger; John J. Green; Renee Wiatt; Zuzana Bednarik
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Entrepreneurial marketing strategies, resources and social disadvantage: exploring the role of resources and minority status among US agrofood enterprises

Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship
2024-04-01 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1471-5201
Part of ISSN: 1471-5201
Contributors: Jason Scott Entsminger; Lucy McGowan
Source: Self-asserted source
Jason Scott Entsminger

An early assessment of COVID-19’s impact on tourism in U.S. counties

Tourism Economics
2023-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Luyi Han; Stephan J Goetz; Daniel Eades; Jason Entsminger; Doug Arbogast
Source: check_circle

Consumer cooperatives: purpose and possibilities

Handbook of Research on Cooperatives and Mutuals
2023-02-07 | Book chapter
Part of ISBN: 9781802202618
Part of ISBN: 9781802202601
Part of ISBN: 9781802202618
Contributors: Zoë T. Plakias; Jason S. Entsminger
Source: Self-asserted source
Jason Scott Entsminger

The ecology of organizational forms in local and regional food systems: exploring the scaling-up challenge via a species concept

2020-12 | Dissertation or Thesis
Source: Self-asserted source
Jason Scott Entsminger

Categorization and Organizational Evolution: A Species Approach to Organizational Form

Academy of Management Proceedings
2020-08 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0065-0668
Contributors: Jason Scott Entsminger
Source: Self-asserted source
Jason Scott Entsminger via Crossref Metadata Search

Organizational Identity Comparison, Organizational Identification, and Organizational Commitment

Academy of Management Proceedings
2020-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Peter Foreman; Cleo Silvestri; David A. Whetten; Philipp Bubenzer; Mathew Laurence Sheep; Cleo Silvestri; Jason Scott Entsminger
Source: check_circle

Factors Affecting Farmers’ Adaptation Strategies to Environmental Degradation and Climate Change Effects: A Farm Level Study in Bangladesh

2014-09-26 | Journal article
Contributors: Mohammed Nasir Uddin; Wolfgang Bokelmann; Jason Scott Entsminger
Source: check_circle

Peer review (1 review for 1 publication/grant)

Review activity for Agriculture and human values. (1)