Personal information
Dr E. Pastor started her research activity at the Physical Chemistry Department of ULL at 1988, with the beginning of her PhD studies. She was FPI (MEC) scholar (1989-1990), faculty assistant (1990-1995), assistant professor (1995-1998), associate professor (1998-2018) and currently full professor (2018-). From November 1990 to October 1991, she performed part of her PhD research at the Institut für Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie at the University of Bonn (Germany), and lately, she returned to the same research centre from August 1992 to December 1993 as postdoctoral researcher. In addition, she has spent research visiting periods at the Forschungszentrum KFA Jülich (Germany), University of Poitiers (France), University of Bundeswehr (Germany) and University of São Paulo (Brazil).
Her research has been focussed on electrocatalysis, and specifically, on the reactions involved in fuel cells and electrolysers. Initially, she developed fundamental studies of model systems, using single crystals and applying spectroelectrochemical techniques to understand the reaction mechanisms. These techniques were not commercially available, and she developed them at the ULL after returning from her postdoctoral period at Bonn. Lately, the last projects have been oriented to practical applications of electrocatalysis, preparing more efficient catalysts for fuel cells and electrolysers and trying to optimize the different processes that take place in these devices. She has obtained continuously financial support from autonomic institutions (since 1995), national projects (since 1998, 9 consecutive National Plan projects) and European calls (since 2013, 7th framework programme).
Dr. Pastor reached a h index of 46 (Scopus) and 52 (Scholar), publishing more than 170 scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals, most of them corresponding to Q1 journals, which are receiving around 400 citations a year; 12 book chapters; and presented approximately 300 communications at conferences (~100 oral presentations, with more than 35 as invited speaker). She also has 7 patents (the last 2 granted). Five research periods have been recognized by the Spanish Evaluation Agency, as well as the total of research merit complements from ULL and the Canary Island Quality Evaluation Agency. She serves as referee for different evaluation entities for research quality and several peer-reviewed journals.
Her research cooperation, thanks to the financial support of AECID (PCI projects) and the ULL, with different Iberoamerican universities (from Argentina, El Salvador, Uruguay, Perú, Brazil, and Colombia) can be highlighted. She also holds scientific collaborations with different national and international groups in the field of electrocatalysis (The Netherlands, UK, Italy, France, Finland, Estonia Austria, Denmark, and Germany), which are collected in several scientific publications.
She has supervised 13 PhD thesis, 3 of them with the cooperation of Iberoamerican centres, as well as tens of Bachelor and Master projects. In addition, she has been International Relations Director of ULL and currently she is the international mobility coordinator of the Science Faculty. She was director and secretary of the Institute of Materials and Nanotechnology; national secretary of the Iberoamerican Society of Electrochemistry (SIBAE), secretary and finally president of this institution from 2016 to 2018. She has been member of the evaluation commission of research projects of the national plan (chemical science and technology area; basic chemistry; materials; and energy and transport subprograms); and is currently a member of the national evaluation panel for the accreditation of professors and associate professors, and Director of the University Chair of in Ecological Transition and Innovation, financed by Cepsa Foundation.