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In February 2014, he obtained his master's degree in Engineering for Environment and Territory (class LM/35) - Path: Land Defense, at the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Salerno, discussing his thesis entitled "Remote Sensing Techniques for Monitoring Debris Flow Phenomena."
In 2018 he was proclaimed a PhD in "Risk and Sustainability in Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering Systems" - XXX cycle, with Doctor Europaeus certification, at the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Salerno, with a thesis entitled "Vehículos aéreos no tripulados para el levantamiento y monitoreo de áreas arqueológicas".
From 2018 until 2021, he is a three-year Ministerial Research Fellow at the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Salerno, with a project entitled "3D Campus: multi-sensor digitization applied to the monitoring and management of the campuses of the University of Salerno".
In May 2021, he obtained the National Scientific Qualification for the positions of university professor of second rank (S.S.D. ICAR/17-Drawing).
He is the author of more than 50 scientific publications, including monographs, articles in journals, writings in collective volumes, , national and international, and editorships.