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Before starting my PhD, I spent four years working as a consultant on climate policies (2009-2013). This experience led me to write a PhD thesis project on a blind spot in climate change mitigation scenarios: the evolution of lifestyles. Prepared at the Centre de Mathématiques Appliquées (Mines ParisTech, 2014-2017), I carried out modelling work using methods from data science. After a post-doctorate where I studied the possible effects of the deployment of autonomous vehicles on our future lifestyles (Laboratoire Ville Mobilité Transport, 2018-2019), I became a (fixed-term) researcher at CIRED (2019-…). I mainly contribute to the European projects NAVIGATE (H2020/2019-2023, Grant 821124) and PRISMA (Horizon Europe/2023-2026, Grant 101081604) in a rich collaborative context. I am developing modelling work for the assessment of climate change mitigation strategies at the global and regional scales using the Imaclim-R model, and have recently experimented data science approaches to value scenarios ensembles.
Since 2014, my research has focused on the three following areas:
- Developing knowledge on climate change mitigation strategies based on lowering energy demand. This includes the development of modelling frameworks and scenarios to capture the effects of lifestyle changes, efficiency and sufficiency measures.
- Understanding scenarios and their use: towards a reflexive approach to prospective modelling. This consists of studying the roles and uses of scenarios within the development and implementation of climate policies, notably from a Science and Technology Studies perspective. I have also experimented with Céline Guivarch new scenario uses mobilising data science approaches to value large ensembles of scenarios.
- Encouraging just climate policies by anticipating the economic and social risks of transition. This axis focuses on the assessment of economic and social risks that may affect certain social groups or economic sectors throughout the transition towards a low-carbon economy, and on the policies to be implemented to prevent these risks.