Personal information


Employment (10)

University of Roehampton: N/A, GB

Source: check_circle
University of Roehampton - PURE

University of Roehampton: London, London, GB

2007 to present | Professor of Music (Education)
Source: Self-asserted source
Adam Ockelford

Royal National Institute of Blind People: London, London, GB

2006 to 2007 | Director of Vision School and Children's Home
Source: Self-asserted source
Adam Ockelford

Royal National Institute of Blind People: London, London, GB

2005 to 2006 | Director of Education
Source: Self-asserted source
Adam Ockelford

Royal National Institute of Blind People: London, London, GB

2002 to 2005 | Deputy Director: Education and Employment
Source: Self-asserted source
Adam Ockelford

Royal National Institute of Blind People: London, London, GB

1998 to 2002 | Assistant Director: Education
Source: Self-asserted source
Adam Ockelford

Royal National Institute of Blind People: London, London, GB

1994 to 1998 | Head of National Education Services
Source: Self-asserted source
Adam Ockelford

Royal National Institute of Blind People: London, London, GB

1992 to 1994 | Music Education Adviser
Source: Self-asserted source
Adam Ockelford

Linden Lodge School: London, London, GB

1983 to 1992 | Head of Music
Source: Self-asserted source
Adam Ockelford

Self-employed: London, GB

1982 to 1983 | Performing musician and teacher
Source: Self-asserted source
Adam Ockelford

Education and qualifications (8)

University of London: London, London, GB

PGCE (Queen Mary's College, Education)
Source: Self-asserted source
Adam Ockelford

Office for Standards in Education Children's Services and Skills: London, London, GB

1997 to 1997 | Inspector
Source: Self-asserted source
Adam Ockelford

City University: London, London, GB

1994 to 1996 | Postgrad. Dip. in Voluntary Sector Management (CASS)
Source: Self-asserted source
Adam Ockelford

University of London: London, London, GB

1985 to 1992 | PhD (Music (Goldsmiths College))
Source: Self-asserted source
Adam Ockelford

University of Birmingham: Birmingham, GB

1985 to 1987 | Dip in Special Ed (VI) (Education)
Source: Self-asserted source
Adam Ockelford

Royal Academy of Music: London, London, GB

1981 to 1982 | LRAM (harpsichord)
Source: Self-asserted source
Adam Ockelford

Royal Academy of Music: London, GB

1977-09 to 1981-07 | Bmus(hons)
Source: Self-asserted source
Adam Ockelford

Royal Academy of Music: London, London, GB

1977 to 1978 | LRAM (oboe)
Source: Self-asserted source
Adam Ockelford

Professional activities (24)

Sounds of Intent Charity: London, GB

2017 to present | Chair
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Adam Ockelford

Incorporated Society of Musicians: London, London, GB

2010 to present | Member
Source: Self-asserted source
Adam Ockelford

Eastwood Nursery School: Centre for Children and Families: London, GB

2008 to present | Chair of Governors
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Adam Ockelford

Society for Music Theory: Chicago, Illinois, US

2004 to present | Ordinary
Source: Self-asserted source
Adam Ockelford

University College London: London, London, GB

2003 to present | Visiting Research Fellow (Institute of Education)
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Adam Ockelford

Royal Musical Association: Manchester, Manchester, GB

2000 to present | Member
Source: Self-asserted source
Adam Ockelford

The Amber Trust: London, GB

1996 to present | Founder and Trustee
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Adam Ockelford

Society for Music Analysis: London, GB

1990 to present | Member
Source: Self-asserted source
Adam Ockelford

SEMPRE : London, GB

1989 to present | Secretary
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Adam Ockelford

Vision Homes Association: Birmingham, GB

1987 to present
Source: Self-asserted source
Adam Ockelford

SEMPRE: London, GB

1986 to present | Member
Source: Self-asserted source
Adam Ockelford

Soundabout: Oxford, GB

1998 to 2021-09-01 | Trustee and Chair
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Adam Ockelford

Live Music Now: London, GB

2019-10-01 | Trustee
Source: Self-asserted source
Adam Ockelford

Royal National Institute of Blind: London, GB

2006 to 2017 | Trustee and Chair (Pension Scheme)
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Adam Ockelford

Royal National Institute of Blind People: London, London, GB

2004 to 2014 | Founding Committee Member (Elizabeth Eagle-Bott Fund)
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Adam Ockelford

Royal Academy of Music: London, London, GB

2009 | ARAM
Source: Self-asserted source
Adam Ockelford

Exhall Grange Specialist School: Coventry, Coventry, GB

2004 to 2007 | Governor
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Adam Ockelford

University of Roehampton: London, London, GB

1998 to 2007 | Senior Research Fellow (Education)
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Adam Ockelford

Linden Lodge School: London, London, GB

1986 to 1992 | Secretary (Charitable Trust)
Source: Self-asserted source
Adam Ockelford

Linden Lodge School: London, London, GB

1985 to 1992 | Governor
Source: Self-asserted source
Adam Ockelford

Royal Academy of Music: London, London, GB

1980 | John Booth Prize
Source: Self-asserted source
Adam Ockelford

Royal Academy of Music: London, London, GB

1978 | Nicholas Blake Prize
Source: Self-asserted source
Adam Ockelford

Royal Academy of Music: London, London, GB

1978 | Harry Farjeon Prize
Source: Self-asserted source
Adam Ockelford

Royal Academy of Music: London, London, GB

1978 | Stewart MacPherson Prize
Source: Self-asserted source
Adam Ockelford

Peer review (2 reviews for 2 publications/grants)

Review activity for Audiology research. (1)
Review activity for PloS one. (1)