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Works (2)

Deep Learning and Machine Learning Techniques for Credit Scoring: A Review

2024 | Book chapter
Contributors: Hana Demma Wube; Sintayehu Zekarias Esubalew; Firesew Fayiso Weldesellasie; Taye Girma Debelee
Source: check_circle

AHP and Machine Learning‐Based Military Strategic Site Selection: A Case Study of Adea District East Shewa Zone, Ethiopia

Journal of Sensors
2023-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Amanuel Kumsa Bojer; Firesew Feyisso Woldesilassie; Taye Girma Debelee; Samuel Rahimeto Kebede; Sintayehu Zekarias Esubalew; Giovanni Diraco
Source: check_circle