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Appreciating how organisms function at the cellular and molecular level, to date, my research engagements include tackling neuronal, metabolic, infectious, and hereditary defects with a primary focus on neurodegenerative diseases. The collaborations are determined to contribute to the ongoing investigations in detecting diseases and providing explanations for their causes, giving clues as to how to correct potentially harmful aberrations added to developing new drugs and vaccines and optimizing the means they are delivered.
To this end, mainly over the past 6 to 7 years, I have gained rewarding exposure to a wide variety of research projects that span the Pathology-Pathophysiology interface, many of which included extensive practical laboratory sessions using in vitro cell culture and in vivo transgenic animal models. I have acquired advanced theoretical knowledge and valuable practical skills, which I believe are immensely beneficial in preparation for my career goal as a university professor and a research scientist in academia to discover what is vague for me and others.