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Works (27)

Implementation of stop smoking support by mental healthcare professionals: cross-sectional analysis of why nothing much happens

Discover Mental Health
2025-01-23 | Journal article
Contributors: Eline Meijer
Source: check_circle

Targeting Key Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease in At-Risk Individuals: Developing a Digital, Personalized, and Real-Time Intervention to Facilitate Smoking Cessation and Physical Activity

JMIR Cardio
2024-12-20 | Journal article
Contributors: Anke Versluis; Kristell M Penfornis; Sven A van der Burg; Bouke L Scheltinga; Milon H M van Vliet; Nele Albers; Eline Meijer
Source: check_circle

Shifting focus from ideality to reality: a qualitative study on how quality of life is defined by premanifest and manifest Huntington’s disease gene expansion carriers

Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases
2024-11-29 | Journal article
Contributors: Pearl J. C. van Lonkhuizen; Anne-Wil Heemskerk; Leanne Slutter; Erik van Duijn; Susanne T. de Bot; Niels H. Chavannes; Eline Meijer; Niko Vegt; Niels Chavannes; Anne- Wil Heemskerk et al.
Source: check_circle

‘Clients are the problem owners’: a qualitative study into professionals’ and clients’ perceptions of smoking cessation care for smokers with mental illness

Advances in Mental Health
2024-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Amber D. Zeeman; Justine Jonker; Lars Groeneveld; Emily M. de Krijger; Eline Meijer
Source: check_circle

User experiences with digital future-self interventions in the contexts of smoking and physical activity: A mixed methods multi-study exploration (Preprint)

JMIR Formative Research
2024-07-29 | Journal article
Contributors: Kristell Maryse Penfornis; Nele Albers; Willem-Paul Brinkman; Mark A. Neerincx; Andrea W.M. Evers; Winifred A. Gebhardt; Eline Meijer
Source: check_circle

A Health App Platform Providing a Budget to Purchase Preselected Apps as an Innovative Way to Support Public Health: Qualitative Study With End Users and Other Stakeholders

JMIR Formative Research
2023-09-29 | Journal article
Contributors: Romy Fleur Willemsen; Eline Meijer; Liselot Nicoline van den Berg; Luuk van der Burg; Niels Henrik Chavannes; Jiska Joelle Aardoom
Source: check_circle

Use of the Smoking Cessation App Ex-Smokers iCoach and Associations With Smoking-Related Outcomes Over Time in a Large Sample of European Smokers: Retrospective Observational Study

Journal of Medical Internet Research
2023-08-22 | Journal article
Contributors: Marthe BL Mansour; Wim B Busschers; Mathilde R Crone; Kristel M van Asselt; Henk C van Weert; Niels H Chavannes; Eline Meijer
Source: check_circle

Quality of life, health-related quality of life, and associated factors in Huntington’s disease: a systematic review

Journal of Neurology
2023-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Pearl J. C. van Lonkhuizen; Wiebke Frank; Anne-Wil Heemskerk; Erik van Duijn; Susanne T. de Bot; Alzbeta Mühlbäck; G. Bernhard Landwehrmeyer; Niels H. Chavannes; Eline Meijer; Niels H. Chavannes et al.
Source: check_circle

A Health App Platform Providing a Budget to Purchase Preselected Apps as an Innovative Way to Support Public Health: Qualitative Study With End Users and Other Stakeholders (Preprint)

2023-05-30 | Preprint
Contributors: Romy Fleur Willemsen; Eline Meijer; Liselot Nicoline van den Berg; Luuk van der Burg; Niels Henrik Chavannes; Jiska Joelle Aardoom
Source: check_circle

Anticipated barriers and facilitators for implementing smart inhalers in asthma medication adherence management

npj Primary Care Respiratory Medicine
2023-05-20 | Journal article
Contributors: Susanne J. van de Hei; Nilouq Stoker; Bertine M. J. Flokstra-de Blok; Charlotte C. Poot; Eline Meijer; Maarten J. Postma; Niels H. Chavannes; Janwillem W. H. Kocks; Job F. M. van Boven
Source: check_circle

Developing a Digital Medication Adherence Intervention for and With Patients With Asthma and Low Health Literacy: Protocol for a Participatory Design Approach

JMIR Formative Research
2023-04-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Jasper S Faber; Charlotte C Poot; Tessa Dekkers; Natalia Romero Herrera; Niels H Chavannes; Eline Meijer; V T Visch
Source: check_circle

Targeting Key Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease in At-Risk Individuals: Developing a Digital, Personalized, and Real-Time Intervention to Facilitate Smoking Cessation and Physical Activity (Preprint)

2023-03-30 | Preprint
Contributors: Anke Versluis; Kristell M Penfornis; Sven A van der Burg; Bouke L Scheltinga; Milon H M van Vliet; Nele Albers; Eline Meijer
Source: check_circle

Use of the Smoking Cessation App Ex-Smokers iCoach and Associations With Smoking-Related Outcomes Over Time in a Large Sample of European Smokers: Retrospective Observational Study (Preprint)

2022-12-21 | Preprint
Contributors: Marthe BL Mansour; Wim B Busschers; Mathilde R Crone; Kristel M van Asselt; Henk C van Weert; Niels H Chavannes; Eline Meijer
Source: check_circle

Mapping the evidence on identity processes and identity-related interventions in the smoking and physical activity domains: a scoping review protocol

BMJ Open
2022-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Kristell M Penfornis; Milon H M Van Vliet; Eline Meijer; Winifred A Gebhardt
Source: check_circle

Developing a Digital Medication Adherence Intervention for and With Patients With Asthma and Low Health Literacy: Protocol for a Participatory Design Approach (Preprint)

2022-01-11 | Preprint
Contributors: Jasper S Faber; Charlotte C Poot; Tessa Dekkers; Natalia Romero Herrera; Niels H Chavannes; Eline Meijer; V T Visch
Source: check_circle

“At least someone thinks I’m doing well”: a real-world evaluation of the quit-smoking app StopCoach for lower socio-economic status smokers

Addiction Science & Clinical Practice
2021-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Eline Meijer; Janneke S. Korst; Kristiene G. Oosting; Eline Heemskerk; Sander Hermsen; Marc C. Willemsen; Bas van den Putte; Niels H. Chavannes; Jamie Brown
Source: check_circle

Are smokers protected against SARS-CoV-2 infection (COVID-19)? The origins of the myth

npj Primary Care Respiratory Medicine
2021-02-26 | Journal article
Contributors: Naomi A. van Westen-Lagerweij; Eline Meijer; Elisabeth G. Meeuwsen; Niels H. Chavannes; Marc C. Willemsen; Esther A. Croes
Source: check_circle

Exploring characteristics of COPD patients with clinical improvement after integrated disease management or usual care: post-hoc analysis of the RECODE study

BMC Pulmonary Medicine
2020-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Eline Meijer; Annelies E. van Eeden; Annemarije L. Kruis; Melinde R. S. Boland; Willem J. J. Assendelft; Apostolos Tsiachristas; Maureen P. M. H. Rutten-van Mölken; Marise J. Kasteleyn; Niels H. Chavannes
Source: check_circle

Identity processes in smokers who want to quit smoking: A longitudinal interpretative phenomenological analysis

Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine
2020-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Eline Meijer; Eleni Vangeli; Winifred A Gebhardt; Colette van Laar
Source: check_circle

Exploring characteristics of COPD patients with clinical improvement after integrated disease management or usual care: post-hoc analysis of the RECODE study

2020-06-08 | Preprint
Contributors: Eline Meijer; Annelies E. van Eeden; Annemarije L. Kruis; Melinde R.S. Boland; W. J.J. (Pim) Assendelft; Apostolos Tsiachristas; Maureen P.M.H. Rutten-van Mölken; Marise J. Kasteleyn; Niels H. Chavannes
Source: check_circle

Exploring characteristics of COPD patients with clinical improvement after integrated disease management or usual care: post-hoc analysis of the RECODE study

2020-05-29 | Preprint
Contributors: Eline Meijer; Annelies E. van Eeden; Annemarije L. Kruis; Melinde R.S. Boland; W. J.J. (Pim) Assendelft; Apostolos Tsiachristas; Maureen P.M.H. Rutten-van Mölken; Marise J. Kasteleyn; Niels H. Chavannes
Source: check_circle

Exploring characteristics of COPD patients with clinical improvement after integrated disease management or usual care: post-hoc analysis of the RECODE study

2019-11-25 | Preprint
Contributors: Eline Meijer; Annelies E. van Eeden; Annemarije L. Kruis; Melinde R.S. Boland; W. J.J. (Pim) Assendelft; Apostolos Tsiachristas; Maureen P.M.H. Rutten-van Mölken; Marise J. Kasteleyn; Niels H. Chavannes
Source: check_circle

Determinants of providing smoking cessation care in five groups of healthcare professionals: A cross-sectional comparison

Patient Education and Counseling
2019-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Eline Meijer; Rianne van der Kleij; Dewi Segaar; Niels Chavannes
Source: check_circle

Cross‐Validated Prediction of Academic Performance of First‐Year University Students: Identifying Risk Factors in a Nonselective Environment

Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice
2019-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Eline Meijer; Marc P. H. D. Cleiren; Elise Dusseldorp; Vincent J. C. Buurman; Roel M. Hogervorst; Willem J. Heiser
Source: check_circle

“It’s on everyone’s plate”: a qualitative study into physicians’ perceptions of responsibility for smoking cessation

Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy
2018-12 | Journal article
Contributors: E. Meijer; M. Kampman; M. S. Geisler; N. H. Chavannes
Source: check_circle

A longitudinal study into the reciprocal effects of identities and smoking behaviour: Findings from the ITC Netherlands Survey

Social Science & Medicine
2018-03 | Journal article
Contributors: E. Meijer; B. Van den Putte; W.A. Gebhardt; C. Van Laar; Z. Bakk; A. Dijkstra; G.T. Fong; R. West; M.C. Willemsen
Source: check_circle

Identity change among smokers and ex-smokers: Findings from the ITC Netherlands Survey.

Psychology of Addictive Behaviors
2017-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Eline Meijer; Colette van Laar; Winifred A. Gebhardt; Marjolein Fokkema; Bas van den Putte; Arie Dijkstra; Geoffrey T. Fong; Marc C. Willemsen
Source: check_circle

Peer review (2 reviews for 2 publications/grants)

Review activity for Huisarts en wetenschap. (1)
Review activity for Social science & medicine. (1)