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Graduated in Physics from the Federal University of Fronteira Sul - UFFS, where I had experience as a PETCiências fellow working in the areas of teaching, research and extension. Master in Physics at the Federal University of Santa Maria - UFSM, in the area of Atmospheric Physics. Line of Research: Physical Meteorology; Analysis of CO2 fluxes in animal protein production in the Pampa biome. Inserted in the micrometeorology laboratory, where I work with the installation, maintenance and data collection of sensors and micrometeorological towers. I am currently a PhD student in Physics at the postgraduate program in Physics at UFSM, working in the area of carbon balance determination in natural pasture areas of the Pampa biome. I work with data analysis using mainly the python language. Posed basic knowledge in SQL and HTML. I work currently with machine learning for data prediction and gap filling.