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Works (10)

Using mental contrasting to promote flow experiences at work: A just-in-time adaptive intervention

Computers in Human Behavior Reports
2024-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Karen Bartholomeyczik; Michael T. Knierim; Christof Weinhardt; Gabriele Oettingen
Source: check_circle

OpenBCI Meets the Web: A Scalable, Customizable Platform for Open-Source EEG Data Collection

2024-10-05 | Conference paper
Contributors: Lukas Stingl; Michael T. Knierim
Source: check_circle

Connecting Home: Human-Centric Setup Automation in the Augmented Smart Home

2024-05-11 | Conference paper
Contributors: Marius Schenkluhn; Michael Thomas Knierim; Francisco Kiss; Christof Weinhardt
Source: check_circle

Warmth on Demand: Designing Headphones for Enhanced Thermal Comfort in Work Environments

2024-05-02 | Conference paper
Contributors: Michael Thomas Knierim; Lukas Braun; Monica Perusquia-Hernandez
Source: check_circle

What Disrupts Flow in Office Work? The Impact of Frequency and Relevance of IT-Mediated Interruptions

MIS Quarterly
2023-12-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Mario Nadj; Raphael Rissler; Marc Adam; Michael Knierim; Maximilian Li; Alexander Maedche; René Riedl
Source: check_circle

Time-Aware Data Profiling With Decision Tree Pattern Mining

2023-06-21 | Conference paper
Contributors: Alexander Grote; Wolfgang Badwitz; Michael Thomas Knierim; Christof Weinhardt
Source: check_circle

A Systematic Comparison of High-End and Low-Cost EEG Amplifiers for Concealed, Around-the-Ear EEG Recordings

2023-05-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Michael Thomas Knierim; Martin Georg Bleichner; Pierluigi Reali
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

InterFlowCeption: Foundations for Technological Enhancement of Interoception to Foster Flow States during Mental Work

2023-04-19 | Conference paper
Contributors: Christoph Berger; Michael Thomas Knierim; Ivo Benke; Karen Bartholomeyczik; Christof Weinhardt
Source: check_circle

OpenBCI + 3D-Printed Headphones = Open ExG Headphones – An Open-Source Research Platform for Biopotential Earable Applications

2023-04-19 | Conference paper
Contributors: Michael Thomas Knierim; Daniel Puhl; Gabriel Ivucic; Tobias Röddiger
Source: check_circle

Open-source concealed EEG data collection for Brain-computer-interfaces - neural observation through OpenBCI amplifiers with around-the-ear cEEGrid electrodes

Brain-Computer Interfaces
2021-10-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Michael Thomas Knierim; Christoph Berger; Pierluigi Reali
Source: check_circle