Personal information

Science Communication, Political Communication, Journalism Studies, Content Analysis


Employment (4)

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology: Karlsruhe, DE

2018-04-01 to present (Department of Science Communication)
Source: Self-asserted source
Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann

Nationales Institut für Wissenschaftskommunikation: Karlsruhe, DE

2023-04-15 to 2024-06-15 | Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin (mit Leitungsfunktion) (Forschung @NaWik)
Source: Self-asserted source
Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann

Universität Koblenz-Landau: Landau, Rheinland-Pfalz, DE

2013-10 to 2018-03 (Institut für Kommunikationspsychologie und Medienpädagogik sowie Institut für Sozialwissenschaften)
Source: Self-asserted source
Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann

Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz: Mainz, Rheinland-Pfalz, DE

2008-04 to 2013-09 (Institut für Publizistik)
Source: Self-asserted source
Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann

Professional activities (7)

International Communication Association: Washington, DC, US

Source: Self-asserted source
Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann

International Association for Media and Communication Research: N/A, US

Source: Self-asserted source
Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann

European Communication Research and Education Association: Brussels, BE

Source: Self-asserted source
Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann

DGPuK: Germany, DE

Source: Self-asserted source
Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann

Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz: Mainz, Rheinland-Pfalz, DE

2014-05 | Auszeichnung der Dissertation für herausragende Dissertationen | Award for outstanding dissertations (Fachbereich 02 | Department 02)
Source: Self-asserted source
Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann

Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz: Mainz, Rheinland-Pfalz, DE

2011-06 | Mitglied der Gutenberg-Akademie, einer Einrichtung zur Förderung herausragender, exzellenter Nachwuchswissenschaftler der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz | Member of the Gutenberg Academy, an institution for the promotion of outstanding, excellent young scientists of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (Gutenberg-Akademie | Gutenberg Academy)
Source: Self-asserted source
Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann

Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz: Mainz, Rheinland-Pfalz, DE

2008-06 | Auszeichnung der Magisterarbeit zur „Magisterarbeit des Jahres 2008” | Award for the "Master Thesis of the Year 2008" (Institut für Publizistik | Department of Communication Studies)
Source: Self-asserted source
Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann

Works (50 of 93)

Items per page:
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Who dominates the discourse on ChatGPT? Experts on text-generative Artificial Intelligence in German newspapers

2025-02-03 | Preprint
Contributors: Tabea Lüders; Nikolai Promies; Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann; Markus Lehmkuhl
Source: check_circle

Embedded Falsehoods: How Misinformation Amid Truth Influences Public Perception of Vaccines

2025-01-16 | Preprint
Contributors: Helen Fischer; Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann; Vincent Bruder; Jürgen Buder
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Visual representations of AI in German print media coverage

2024-12-06 | Other | Author
Contributors: Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann; Tabea Lüders
Source: check_circle
Repository KITopen (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

ChatGPT’s Potential for Quantitative Content Analysis: Categorizing Actors in Public Debates

2024-11-15 | Preprint
Contributors: Clarissa Elisabeth Hohenwalde; Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann; Nikolai Promies; Markus Lehmkuhl
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

More than Humanoid Robots and Cyborgs? How German Print Media Visualize Articles on Artificial Intelligence

2024-11-13 | Other | Author
Contributors: Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann; Tabea Lüders; Carolin Moser; Vincent R. Boger; Markus Lehmkuhl
Source: check_circle
Repository KITopen (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

More than humanoid robots and cyborgs? How German print media visualize articles on artificial intelligence

2024-10-29 | Preprint
Contributors: Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann; Tabea Lüders; Carolin Moser; Vincent R. Boger; Markus Lehmkuhl
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Trust-building factors in the risk communication of a German state institution from the recipient’s point of view. A qualitative analysis

2024-09-27 | Other | Author
Contributors: Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann; Cecilia Buz; Anja Köngeter; Philipp Niemann
Source: check_circle
Repository KITopen (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

Kopf und Kuchen, Folge 17: Wissenschaftler:innen in den Medien

2024-09-17 | Other
Contributors: Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann
Source: check_circle
Repository KITopen (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)


2024-09-13 | Preprint | Author
Contributors: Markus Lehmkuhl; Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann
Source: check_circle
Repository KITopen (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

Female expertise in public discourses. Visibility of female compared to male scientific experts in German media coverage of eight science related issues

2024-09-13 | Other | Author
Contributors: Markus Lehmkuhl; Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann; Nikolai Promies
Source: check_circle
Repository KITopen (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

How well can ChatGPT replace human coders in quantitative content analysis?

2024-06-07 | Other | Author
Contributors: Clarissa Elisabeth Hohenwalde; Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann; Nikolai Promies; Markus Lehmkuhl
Source: check_circle
Repository KITopen (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

Visualizations of invisible technologies. How German print media illustrate articles on artificial intelligence

2024-06-06 | Other | Author
Contributors: Carolin Moser; Tabea Lüders; Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann
Source: check_circle
Repository KITopen (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

Ihr kommuniziert, also vertraue ich. Zum Zusammenhang von Institutionenvertrauen und Risikokommunikation

2024-05-13 | Other | Author
Contributors: Philipp Niemann; Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann
Source: check_circle
Repository KITopen (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

Female expertise in public discourses. Visibility of female compared to male scientific experts in German media coverage of eight science related issues

2024-05-12 | Preprint
Contributors: Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann; Nikolai Promies; Markus Lehmkuhl
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Ein Wahlkampf wie kein anderer?

Die (Massen-) Medien im Wahlkampf
2023 | Book chapter
Part of ISBN: 9783658389666
Part of ISBN: 9783658389673
Contributors: Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann; Christian Schäfer-Hock; Jürgen Wilke
Source: Self-asserted source
Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Mein Service-Favorit

Deutsche Universitätszeitung
2023 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann
Source: check_circle
Repository KITopen (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

“Never Was There More to Do.”

Die (Massen-) Medien im Wahlkampf
2023 | Book chapter
Part of ISBN: 9783658389666
Part of ISBN: 9783658389673
Contributors: Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann; Fabian Thomas
Source: Self-asserted source
Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Repercussions of media coverage on science? A critical assessment of a popular thesis

The Science-Media Interface – On the Relation Between Internal and External Science Communication. Ed.: I. Broer
2023-11 | Book chapter | Author
Contributors: Markus Lehmkuhl; Nikolai Promies; Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann
Source: check_circle
Repository KITopen (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

Der Einfluss des Science Media Centers Germany auf den Wissenschaftsjournalismus in Deutschland

2023-09-21 | Other | Author
Contributors: Markus Lehmkuhl; Nikolai Promies; Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann
Source: check_circle
Repository KITopen (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

Female expertise in demand? Visibility of female compared to male scientific experts in German media coverage of seven risk debates

2023-07-12 | Other | Author
Contributors: Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann; Nikolai Promies; Markus Lehmkuhl
Source: check_circle
Repository KITopen (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

Wissenschaftler:innen im Fokus? Personalisierung der Wissenschaftsberichterstattung in deutschen Nachrichtenmedien

2023-05-19 | Other | Author
Contributors: Nikolai Promies; Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann; Markus Lehmkuhl
Source: check_circle
Repository KITopen (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

"Der Journalismus ist besser als sein Ruf“ – KIT-Studie untersucht Wechselwirkung zwischen wissenschaftlichen Fachzeitschriften und Publikumsmedien - Campus-Report am 28.02.2023

2023-02-28 | Other
Contributors: Stefan Fuchs; Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann
Source: check_circle
Repository KITopen (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)


2023-02-10 | Interactive resource | Author
Contributors: Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann
Source: check_circle
Repository KITopen (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

Correlations between the selection of topics by news media and scientific journals

2023-01-25 | Journal article
Contributors: Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann; Quinn Grundy; Lars Koppers; Markus Lehmkuhl
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Politisierung oder Aufklärung? Analysen der Akteur:innen- und Aussagenstruktur in medialen Diskursen über gesundheitliche Risikophänomene und die Rolle wissenschaftlicher Expert:innen [Politicization or clarification? An analysis of the structure of actors and statements in media discourses on health risk phenomena and the role of scientific experts]

Studies in Communication and Media
2022 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann; Markus Lehmkuhl
Source: check_circle
Repository KITopen (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

Selected by expertise? Scientific experts in German news coverage of COVID-19 compared to other pandemics

Public Understanding of Science
2022-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann; Patrizia Attar; Annika Schütz; Markus Lehmkuhl
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Actor constellations in climate change coverage of German news media. A time comparison analysis (2000-2019)

2022-10-20 | Other | Author
Contributors: Nikolai Promies; Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann; Markus Lehmkuhl
Source: check_circle
Repository KITopen (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

An election campaign like no other? Press coverage of the 2021 German federal election in a long-term comparison

2022-10-20 | Other | Author
Contributors: Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann; Christian Schäfer-Hock; Jürgen Wilke
Source: check_circle
Repository KITopen (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

Wie kann Named Entity Recognition für kommunikationswissenschaftliche Inhaltsanalysen nutzbar gemacht werden? Praktische Anwendung anhand einer Beispielanalyse

2022-10-07 | Conference poster | Author
Contributors: Nikolai Promies; Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann; Markus Lehmkuhl
Source: check_circle
Repository KITopen (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

Content Analysis in the Research Field of Election (Campaign) Coverage

Standardisierte Inhaltsanalyse in der Kommunikationswissenschaft – Standardized Content Analysis in Communication Research : Ein Handbuch - A Handbook. Ed.: F. Oehmer-Pedrazzi
2022-09-25 | Book chapter | Author
Contributors: Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann
Source: check_circle
Repository KITopen (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

The Effect of Narrative Visualizations on Public Risk Perception of Magnetic Fields Emanating from High Voltage Power Lines – and the Role of Anxiety

2022-07-29 | Preprint
Contributors: Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann; Sarah Kohler
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Macht das Darstellungsformat den Unterschied? Ein Experiment zur Wirkung unterschiedlicher Darstellungsformen niederfrequenter magnetischer Felder von Hochspannungsleitungen auf die Wahrnehmung der Rezipient:innen

2022-05-17 | Other | Author
Contributors: Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann; Markus Lehmkuhl; Sarah Kohler; Angela Osterheider; Philipp Niemann
Source: check_circle
Repository KITopen (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

Attention boost through media coverage? Agenda setting effects from news media coverage on topic selection of scientific journals

2022-05-14 | Preprint
Contributors: Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann; Lars Koppers; Markus Lehmkuhl
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Communicating Political Positions on European Issues: A Comparison of Parties and Newspapers in Seven Countries

Political Studies Review
2022-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann; Beatrice Eugster
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Massenmedien und Wahlkampf

2022-02-04 | Other | Author
Contributors: Jürgen Wilke; Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann
Source: check_circle
Repository KITopen (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

26. Spotlight: Expert*innen auf dem Gebiet der SynBio : Eine Recherche unter Anwendung des ExpertExplorers

Fünfter Gentechnologiebericht. Hrsg.: B. Fehse
2021 | Book chapter | Author
Contributors: Angela Osterheider; Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann; Sarah Kohler; Volker Stollorz; Meik Bittkowski; Yannick Milhahn; Markus Lehmkuhl
Source: check_circle
Repository KITopen (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

Politisierung oder Aufklärung? Zur Rolle wissenschaftlicher Expert:innen im öffentlichen Diskurs über Covid-19

2021-11-18 | Other | Author
Contributors: Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann; Markus Lehmkuhl
Source: check_circle
Repository KITopen (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

Berichterstattung über Bundestagswahlen – Befunde und Prognosen

2021-09-21 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann
Source: check_circle
Repository KITopen (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

Improving lay understanding on high voltage power lines: Predictors of the perception of risks and exposure

2021-09-09 | Other | Author
Contributors: Angela Osterheider; Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann; Sarah Kohler
Source: check_circle
Repository KITopen (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

WAHLEN | Ist das Wahl-Plakat ein Auslaufmodell?

2021-09-09 | Other | Author
Contributors: Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann; KraichgauTV
Source: check_circle
Repository KITopen (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

What I don’t know (concretely) won’t hurt me. On the effects of vaguely formulated political statements

2021-09-08 | Other | Author
Contributors: Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann; Fabian Thomas
Source: check_circle
Repository KITopen (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

Wissenschaftliche Expert:innen in der Berichterstattung deutscher Nachrichtenmedien über Covid-19. Diversität und fachliche Expertise im Vergleich zu früheren Pandemien

2021-08-23 | Other | Author
Contributors: Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann; Patrizia Attar; Markus Lehmkuhl
Source: check_circle
Repository KITopen (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

Neues Tool hilft Journalisten bei der Expertensuche

2021-04-02 | Interactive resource | Author
Contributors: Markus Lehmkuhl; Volker Stollorz; Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann
Source: check_circle
Repository KITopen (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

Horse-race coverage (Election Campaign Coverage)

Database of Variables for Content Analysis
2021-03-26 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann
Source: check_circle
Repository KITopen (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

Negativity (Election Campaign Coverage)

Database of Variables for Content Analysis
2021-03-26 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann
Source: check_circle
Repository KITopen (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

Personalization (Election Campaign Coverage)

Database of Variables for Content Analysis
2021-03-26 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann
Source: check_circle
Repository KITopen (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

Selected by expertise? Scientific experts in German news coverage on Covid-19 compared to other pandemics

2021-03-06 | Preprint
Contributors: Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann; Patrizia Attar; Markus Lehmkuhl
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

ExpertExplorer: Ein praktisches Tool für die Integration wissenschaftlicher Expert(inn)en in zivilgesellschaftliche Debatten

2021-02-05 | Other | Author
Contributors: Markus Lehmkuhl; Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann; Volker Stollorz; Meik Bittkowski; Yannick Milhahn
Source: check_circle
Repository KITopen (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

Election (Campaign) Coverage

Handbook of Standardized Content Analysis. Ed.: F. Oehmer
2020 | Book chapter | Author
Contributors: Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann
Source: check_circle
Repository KITopen (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

Horse-race Coverage

Database of Categories for Content Analysis. Open Access Database. Ed.: F. Ohmer
2020 | Book chapter | Author
Contributors: Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann
Source: check_circle
Repository KITopen (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
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