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Since May 2024, I am director of the Grant Office, Technology Transfer and Scientific Documentation of Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo of Pavia, Italy.
From March 2021 to April 2024, I lead the Research and Innovation Unit of IRCCS Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria in Bologna, Italy. Previousy, I worked as Clinical Epidemiologist at the Scientific Direction of IRCCS Ca' Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico di Milano Foundation, Italy, and at Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo of Pavia, Italy.
My background spans across the Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design (BERD) methods: from design to implementation, from analysis to publication of observational studies, clinical trials, systematic reviews, meta-analysis, and guidelines, in National and European projects.
I hold a medical degree with a clinical background in infectious diseases (1995-2009), in particular in health-care associated infections (2003-2009), a clinical specialisation (Infectious Diseases), a methodological specialisation (Medical Statistics) and a MSc (Epidemiology).
Most of my research projects have been and are in the Infectious Diseases field, but as an expert of methodological issues I have been able to design, coordinate or participate into projects in many other medical and surgical areas, and in laboratory studies.
Also, I am very interested in education and training of young researchers in biomedical and clinical research methods, with an overall goal of improving research conduct and reporting.
From 2017 I am member of the Ethical Committee of my Institutions, as statistician and other roles. Since 2018 I am Medical Guideline Director of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases; since 2019 I am Associate Editor of "Clinical Microbiology and Infection". I am also a member of the European Association of Health Information Libraries.
Main fields of interest
- study design, analysis and publication of observational studies and clinical trials, in the field of infectious diseases and other areas of medicine.
- development of clinical guidelines and other guidance documents
- project design and coordination
- statistical analyses
- teaching of clinical epidemiology and medical statistics in basic and advanced courses on methodology of biomedical research
Employment (5)
Education and qualifications (4)
Professional activities (5)
Funding (8)