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Works (3)

Preserving the Hermiticity of the one-body density matrix for a non-interacting Fermi gas

Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
2024-10-18 | Journal article
Contributors: L M Farrell; D Eaton; P Chitnelawong; K Bencheikh; B P van Zyl
Source: check_circle

No free lunch for avoiding clustering vulnerabilities in distributed systems

Scientific Reports
2024-06-04 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2045-2322
Contributors: Pheerawich Chitnelawong; Andrei A. Klishin; Norman Mackay; David J. Singer; Greg van Anders
Source: Self-asserted source
Pheerawich Chitnelawong

The stability-limit conjecture revisited

The Journal of Chemical Physics
2019-06-21 | Journal article
Contributors: Pheerawich Chitnelawong; Francesco Sciortino; Peter H. Poole
Source: check_circle