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Associate Professor at the Department of Informatics / Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) and project coordinator at the Tecgraf - Technical-Scientific Software Development Institute / PUC-Rio. D.Sc. in Electrical/Computer Engineering at the State University of Camoinas (2000). He has experience in the area of Virtual Reality, working mainly with the following topics: virtual and augmented reality, computer graphics, computer vision, machine learning, and human-computer interaction. Author of more than 240 publications in these areas and coordinates projects supported by Petrobras, Repsol/Sinopec, General Electric, CNPq, FINEP, FAPERJ, and RNP. Editor in Chief of JIS - SBC Journal on Interactive Systems (2013-2019); Productivity Grant from CNPq, "Young Scientist of the State" and "Scientist of the State" grants from FAPERJ; NVIDIA Academic Partner.