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Navicke, J. (2025). Social Policy and Life-Course Regimes: Post-Authoritarian Transformations in Lithuania. In: Lithuanian Society in Transition: Social Transformations and Generational Identity. Žilinskienė, L., Kraniauskienė, S., Ilic, M. (eds.). NY: Routledge, p.30-53. DOI: 10.4324/9781032686882
Navickė, J. and Gabnytė-Baranauskė, V. (2025). Distributional impact assessment of policy changes to old-age pensions, social benefits and taxes in Lithuania (2021–2024), Lithuanian Journal of Statistics, 63, pp. 2–13. DOI: 10.15388/LJS.2024.38779.
Navickė, J., Straševičiūtė, Ž. (2023). Vyresnio amžiaus asmenų „išlikimas“ darbo rinkoje: Lietuvos situacija ES kontekste. Socialinė Teorija, Empirija, Politika ir Praktika, vol. 27, pp. 121–136. DOI:
Navickė, J. (2023). Socialinė politika ir gyvenimo eiga: gyvenimo eigos politikos analizės schemos pritaikymas Lietuvai. Filosofija. Sociologija. Nr. 34 (4), p. 92-103. DOI:
Juska, A., Navicke, J. (2022). Labour market flexibilisation in Lithuania: Outcomes and impacts on gender differences in work arrangements. The Economic and Labour Relations Review. 33(3), p. 502 – 525. DOI:
Aidukaite, J., Navicke, J. (2022). The evolution of social policy research in Central and Eastern Europe. In: Social policy in changing European societies - Research Agendas for the 21st Century. Yerkes, M.A., Nelson, K., Nieuwenhuis, R. (eds.). UK: Edward Elgas publishing. pp. 154-171.
Brazienė, R., Dunajevas, E., Gruževskis, B., Kaklauskaitė, U., Moskvina, J., Navickė, J., Savanevičienė, A., Skučienė, D., Šumskaitė, L. (2022). Darbo rinkos politikos pagrindai. Mokomoji knyga. Vilniaus Universitetas.
Gabnyte, V., Čižauskaitė, A., Navicke, J. (2021). Nowcasting poverty and inequality in the context of economic growth and Covid-19 pandemic in Lithuania. Lietuvos statistikos darbai, Nr. 59, pp. 1-17
Lazutka, R. and Navickė, J. (2021) Country chapter Lithuania, In: Spasova S., Ghailani D., Sabato S. and Vanhercke B. Social protection of non-standard workers and the self-employed during the pandemic. Country chapters: Belgium, France, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Brussels, ETUI, 63-75.
Kaklauskaitė U., & Navickė J. (2021). Ekosocialinė valstybė Europos Sąjungoje: šalių narių socialinės ir klimato politikos santykio analizė. Socialinė Teorija, Empirija, Politika Ir Praktika, 22, 101-115.
Navickė, J. (2020) Factors behind the changes in income distribution in the Baltics: income, policy, demography. Journal of Baltic Studies, 51(2), p.137-157. DOI: 10.1080/01629778.2020.1728353
Gabnytė V., Vencius T., & Navickė J. (2020). The Benefit non-take-up in the Context of Cash Social Assistance Reform in Lithuania. STEPP, 21, 96-121.
Lazutka, R., Navicke, J. (2020). Migrants’ Access to Social Protection in Lithuania, in: Migration and Social Protection in Europe and Beyond (Volume 1). Comparing Access to Welfare Entitlements (Jean-Michel Lafleur, Daniela Vintila (eds)), Springer. p. 211-222.
Navickė, J., Užgalė, U., Čižauskaitė, A. (2019). Basic needs and absolute poverty in Lithuania: method and estimation. Lithuanian Journal of Statistics, 58:1, p. 26-38.
Popova, D., Navickė, J. (2019) The probability of poverty for mothers after childbirth and divorce in Europe: The role of social stratification and tax-benefit policies. Social Science Research, 78: 57-70.
Lazutka, R., Juška, A., Navickė, J. (2018) Labour and Capital Under a Neoliberal Economic Model: Economic Growth and Demographic Crisis in Lithuania, Europe-Asia Studies, 70(9): 1433-1449, DOI: 10.1080/09668136.2018.1525339
Navickė, J. & Lazutka, R. (2018). Distributional Implications of the Economic Development in the Baltics: Reconciling Micro and Macro Perspectives’, Social Indicators Research, 138(1): 187-206.
Matulionytė, R., Navickė, J. (2018) Sąlygų griežtumas socialinės paramos sistemose: Lietuvos ir kitų Europos Sąjungos šalių palyginimas. STEPP, 16: 7-25
Vencius, T., Navickė, J. (2018) Socialinio mobilumo apraiškos Lietuvoje. [Patterns of Intergenerational Social Mobility in Lithuania]. STEPP, 16: 37-51
Navicke, J., Avram, S., Demmou, L. (2016) The effects of reform scenarios for unemployment benefits and social assistance on financial incentives to work and poverty in Lithuania. OECD working paper No 1310. DOI: 10.1787/5jlv2jmtmsmr-en
Navicke, J., Lazutka, R. (2016) Work Incentives across the Income Distribution and for Model Families in Lithuania: 2005-2013. Baltic Journal of Economics, 16:2, p.175-191.
Navicke, J., Rastrigina, O., Sutherland, H. (2013). Nowcasting Indicators of Poverty Risk in the European Union: A Microsimulation Approach. Social Indicators Research. Springer: 119 (1), p. 101-119 DOI: 10.1007/s11205-013-0491-8