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Full Professor of Plant Genetics at the Department of Genetics of the College of Agriculture “Luiz de Queiroz” – University of São Paulo. In the last 15 years I have been involved in developing a series of studies concerning wood formation in Eucalyptus, a fast-growing tree used in Brazil mainly for pulp and paper production, timber, charcoal, and several other applications. Another area of research interest concerns the plant-pathosystem of rust caused by two biotrophic fungies, Austropuccinia psidii in Eucalyptus and Phakopsora pachyrhizi in soybean. In all these complex biological systems we applied the multi-omics approach, including proteomics, metabolomics and lipidomics, to have a holistic view of what is happening in different phenotypes, to identify the regulatory networks of proteins and metabolites. In our recent publications we used the regularized canonical correlation (rCCA) to build the regulatory networks. Our lab is also a Facility for Proteomics, Metabolomics and Lipidomics of the University of São Paulo ( or