Personal information
Dr. Sharad Kumar Kulshreshtha (b. 1978), is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Tourism and Hotel Management, North-Eastern Hill University, (A Central University) Shillong-Meghalaya (India). He has more than 16 years of teaching and research experience. He has acclaimed publications research papers in various books, journals of national repute. He has participated and presented many research papers in national and international Seminars and Conferences. Recently, he has presented a paper International Conference on Wine Market and Cultures of Consumption in School of Hotel and Tourism Management, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong. He has supervised two Ph.D research scholars in the areas of Event Tourism, Wine Tourism, and presently supervising on Avi-Tourism, Nature-Based Tourism of North-East India. He has also invited as a resource person in various universities and business associations of India to deliver talks as subject experts. He has co-edited books many books.
Guest Editor:
Guest editor in Special Issue on “Tourism in times of COVID-19” Anais Brasileiros de Estudos Turísticos (ABET) - 2238-2925, ABET is indexed in Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) and ISI Web of Science,
Edited Books:
1. ‘Emerging Dynamics of India Tourism & Hospitality: Transformation and Innovation’ by Copal Publishing Group, India
2. Global Developments in Healthcare and Medical Tourism Advance in Hospitality, Tourism, and the Service Industry (AHTSI) Book Series, IGI Global, U.S.A.
3. Virus Outbreaks and Tourism Mobility: Strategy to Encounter Global Health Hazards, Publisher: Emerald Publishing Limited under Book Series: Tourism Security Safety and Post Conflict Destinations Series
4. Kulshreshtha, S. (Ed.). (2023). Managing Festivals for Destination Marketing and Branding. IGI Global. U.S.A.
5. Post-COVID Tourism and Hospitality Dynamics: Recovery, Revival, and Re-Start Series: Advances in Hospitality and Tourism; by Apple Academic Press.(Pub Date: Forthcoming January 2024)
6. Wellness Tourism in Asia: Emerging Destinations to Rejuvenate, Relax, and Retreat" (Springer Book Series Perspectives of Asian Tourism) (In progress)
7.New Technologies in Virtual and Hybrid Events, IGI Global, U.S.A. (In progress)
8. "Managing Green Festivals for Destination Sustainability: A Global Perspective” to be published by Emerald Publication, U.K. (In progress)