Personal information

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Employment (1)

Technological University Dublin: Dublin, IE

2019-01-01 to present
Source: Self-asserted source
David FitzPatrick

Education and qualifications (2)

University of Oxford: Oxford, Oxfordshire, GB

1985-09-05 to 1990-12-01 | DPhil (Engineering Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
David FitzPatrick

University of Dublin Trinity College: Dublin, IE

1981-10-01 to 1985-05-31 | BA BAI (Mechanical Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
David FitzPatrick

Works (34)

On the fate of particles liberated from hydroxyapatite coatings in vivo.

2015-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Dunne CF; Gibbons J; FitzPatrick DP; Mulhall KJ; Stanton KT
Source: Self-asserted source
David FitzPatrick via Europe PubMed Central

Locking plate fixation with and without inferomedial screws for proximal humeral fractures: a biomechanical study.

2014-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Burke NG; Kennedy J; Cousins G; Fitzpatrick D; Mullett H
Source: Self-asserted source
David FitzPatrick via Europe PubMed Central

Validation of an MRI-based method to assess patellofemoral joint contact areas in loaded knee flexion in vivo.

2014-04 | Journal article
Contributors: McWalter EJ; O'Kane CM; Fitzpatrick DP; Wilson DR
Source: Self-asserted source
David FitzPatrick via Europe PubMed Central

Effect of calcium triphosphate cement on proximal humeral fracture osteosynthesis: a cadaveric biomechanical study.

2013-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Kennedy J; Molony D; Burke NG; FitzPatrick D; Mullett H
Source: Self-asserted source
David FitzPatrick via Europe PubMed Central

Effect of calcium triphosphate cement on proximal humeral fracture osteosynthesis: a finite element analysis.

2013-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Kennedy J; Feerick E; McGarry P; FitzPatrick D; Mullett H
Source: Self-asserted source
David FitzPatrick via Europe PubMed Central

Investigation of metallic and carbon fibre PEEK fracture fixation devices for three-part proximal humeral fractures.

2013-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Feerick EM; Kennedy J; Mullett H; FitzPatrick D; McGarry P
Source: Self-asserted source
David FitzPatrick via Europe PubMed Central

Development of a statistical shape model of the patellofemoral joint for investigating relationships between shape and function.

2011-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Fitzpatrick CK; Baldwin MA; Laz PJ; FitzPatrick DP; Lerner AL; Rullkoetter PJ
Source: Self-asserted source
David FitzPatrick via Europe PubMed Central

Definition of coordinate system for three-dimensional data analysis in the foot and ankle.

2011-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Green C; Fitzpatrick C; FitzPatrick D; Stephens M; Quinlan W; Flavin R
Source: Self-asserted source
David FitzPatrick via Europe PubMed Central

An application of principal component analysis to the clavicle and clavicle fixation devices.

2010 | Journal article
Contributors: Daruwalla ZJ; Courtis P; Fitzpatrick C; Fitzpatrick D; Mullett H
Source: Self-asserted source
David FitzPatrick via Europe PubMed Central

Automated in-vitro testing of orthopaedic implants: a case study in shoulder joint replacement.

2010-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Geary C; O'Donnell GE; Jones E; FitzPatrick D; Birkinshaw C
Source: Self-asserted source
David FitzPatrick via Europe PubMed Central

Anatomic variation of the clavicle: A novel three-dimensional study.

2010-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Daruwalla ZJ; Courtis P; Fitzpatrick C; Fitzpatrick D; Mullett H
Source: Self-asserted source
David FitzPatrick via Europe PubMed Central

Pressure distribution between the deep digital flexor tendon and the navicular bone, and the effect of raising the heels in vitro.

2009 | Other


Contributors: Weaver MP; Shaw DJ; Munaiwa G; FitzPatrick DP; Bellenger CR
Source: Self-asserted source
David FitzPatrick via Europe PubMed Central

Pressure distribution between the deep digital flexor tendon and the navicular bone, and the effect of raising the heels in vitro.

2009 | Journal article
Contributors: Weaver MP; Shaw DJ; Munaiwa G; Fitzpatrick DP; Bellenger CR
Source: Self-asserted source
David FitzPatrick via Europe PubMed Central

The effect of elbow joint centre displacement on force generation and neural excitation.

2009-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Doheny EP; Lowery MM; O'Malley MJ; Fitzpatrick DP
Source: Self-asserted source
David FitzPatrick via Europe PubMed Central

Effect of elbow joint angle on force-EMG relationships in human elbow flexor and extensor muscles.

2008-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Doheny EP; Lowery MM; Fitzpatrick DP; O'Malley MJ
Source: Self-asserted source
David FitzPatrick via Europe PubMed Central

Size and shape of the resection surface geometry of the osteoarthritic knee in relation to total knee replacement design.

2008-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Fitzpatrick CK; FitzPatrick DP; Auger DD
Source: Self-asserted source
David FitzPatrick via Europe PubMed Central

A neuromusculoskeletal model of the elbow joint for pre-clinical testing of total elbow replacement.

2007 | Journal article
Contributors: Doheny EP; Lowery MM; FitzPatrick DP; O'Malley MJ
Source: Self-asserted source
David FitzPatrick via Europe PubMed Central

Quantification of the coupled motion that occurs with axial rotation and lateral bending of the head-neck complex: an experimental examination.

2007-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Senouci M; FitzPatrick D; Quinlan JF; Mullett H; Coffey L; McCormack D
Source: Self-asserted source
David FitzPatrick via Europe PubMed Central

Three-dimensional motion analysis of the lumbar spine during "free squat" weight lift training.

2007-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Walsh JC; Quinlan JF; Stapleton R; FitzPatrick DP; McCormack D
Source: Self-asserted source
David FitzPatrick via Europe PubMed Central

A tibial-based coordinate system for three-dimensional data.

2007-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Fitzpatrick C; FitzPatrick D; Auger D; Lee J
Source: Self-asserted source
David FitzPatrick via Europe PubMed Central

Statistical design of unicompartmental tibial implants and comparison with current devices.

2007-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Fitzpatrick C; FitzPatrick D; Lee J; Auger D
Source: Self-asserted source
David FitzPatrick via Europe PubMed Central

Correlation of an induced rotation model with the clinical categorisation of scoliotic deformity--a possible platform for prediction of scoliosis progression.

2006 | Journal article
Contributors: Heidari B; Fitzpatrick D; McCormack D; Synnott K
Source: Self-asserted source
David FitzPatrick via Europe PubMed Central

Purity and the dangers of regenerative medicine: regulatory innovation of human tissue-engineered technology.

2006-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Faulkner A; Kent J; Geesink I; FitzPatrick D
Source: Self-asserted source
David FitzPatrick via Europe PubMed Central

The use of the Zebris motion analysis system for measuring cervical spine movements in vivo.

2006-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Quinlan JF; Mullett H; Stapleton R; FitzPatrick D; McCormack D
Source: Self-asserted source
David FitzPatrick via Europe PubMed Central

Intraoperative knee anthropometrics: correlation with cartilage wear.

2006-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Rooney N; Fitzpatrick DP; Beverland DE
Source: Self-asserted source
David FitzPatrick via Europe PubMed Central

Modelling of annulus fibrosus imbalance as an aetiological factor in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis.

2004-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Heidari B; FitzPatrick D; Synnott K; McCormack D
Source: Self-asserted source
David FitzPatrick via Europe PubMed Central

Human tissue engineered products--drugs or devices?

2003-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Faulkner A; Geesink I; Kent J; FitzPatrick D
Source: Self-asserted source
David FitzPatrick via Europe PubMed Central

Development of a model for occipital fixation--validation of an analogue bone material.

2002 | Journal article
Contributors: Mullett H; O'Donnell T; Felle P; O'Rourke K; FitzPatrick D
Source: Self-asserted source
David FitzPatrick via Europe PubMed Central

Comparison of gas plasma and gamma irradiation in air sterilization on the delamination wear of the ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene used in knee replacements.

2000 | Journal article
Contributors: Reeves EA; Barton DC; FitzPatrick DP; Fisher J
Source: Self-asserted source
David FitzPatrick via Europe PubMed Central

An experimental model of tibial counterface polyethylene wear in mobile bearing knees: the influence of design and kinematics.

1999 | Journal article
Contributors: Jones VC; Barton DC; Fitzpatrick DP; Auger DD; Stone MH; Fisher J
Source: Self-asserted source
David FitzPatrick via Europe PubMed Central

A two-dimensional model of cyclic strain accumulation in ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene knee replacements.

1998 | Journal article
PMID: 9695638
Contributors: Reeves EA; Barton DC; FitzPatrick DP; Fisher J
Source: Self-asserted source
David FitzPatrick via Europe PubMed Central

Influence of gamma-irradiation sterilization and temperature on the fracture toughness of ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene.

1997-05 | Journal article
PMID: 9158855
Contributors: Pascaud RS; Evans WT; McCullagh PJ; FitzPatrick DP
Source: Self-asserted source
David FitzPatrick via Europe PubMed Central

Effects of batch to batch variations and test methodology on degree of crystallinity and melting temperature of UHMW-PE as measured by differential scanning calorimetry.

1996-12 | Journal article
PMID: 8953152
Contributors: Pascaud RS; Evans WT; McCullagh PJ; FitzPatrick D
Source: Self-asserted source
David FitzPatrick via Europe PubMed Central

Orientation of the cruciate ligament in the sagittal plane. A method of predicting its length-change with flexion.

1988-01 | Journal article
PMID: 3339068
Contributors: Bradley J; FitzPatrick D; Daniel D; Shercliff T; O'Connor J
Source: Self-asserted source
David FitzPatrick via Europe PubMed Central