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Works (16)

Linked color imaging aids in identification of multiple rectal neuroendocrine tumors

2023-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Dmitrii Dolgunov; Ker Kan Tan; Bernice Tan; Calvin Jianyi Koh; Chieh Sian Koo
Source: check_circle

Key tips for using computer-aided diagnosis in colonoscopy – observations from two different platforms

2022-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Chieh Sian Koo; Dmitrii Dolgunov; Calvin Jianyi Koh
Source: check_circle

Endoscopic Ultrasound-Based Evaluation of Pancreatic Cysts: New Invasive Modalities

The Korean Journal of Pancreas and Biliary Tract
2022-10-31 | Journal article
Contributors: Chieh Sian Koo; Khek-Yu Ho
Source: check_circle

Red dichromatic imaging is useful in argon plasma coagulation of sigmoid radiation colitis

Digestive Endoscopy
2022-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Dmitrii Dolgunov; Ker Kan Tan; Chieh Sian Koo
Source: check_circle

Changing perspectives in the training of endoscopic ultrasonography in Asia

JGH Open
2021-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Chieh‐Sian Koo; Constantinos P Anastassiades; Khek‐Yu Ho
Source: check_circle

Endoscopy training in COVID‐19: Challenges and hope for a better age

Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
2021-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Chieh Sian Koo; Kewin Tien Ho Siah; Calvin Jianyi Koh
Source: check_circle

Real-Time 3D Imaging of Post-Transplant Biliary Stricture: A Novel Application of Existing Technology.

The American Journal of Gastroenterology
2021-10-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Chieh Sian Koo
Source: Self-asserted source
Chieh Sian Koo

Extrapulmonary manifestations and complications of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection: a systematic review

Singapore Medical Journal
2021-09-21 | Journal article
Contributors: J Cho; J Lee; CH Sia; CS Koo; BYQ Tan; W Hong; E Choi; X Goh; L Chai; NS Chandran et al.
Source: check_circle

Extraction of intra-biliary hepatocellular carcinoma by endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography.

BMC Gastroenterology
2020-12-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Chieh Sian Koo
Source: Self-asserted source
Chieh Sian Koo

IDDF2020-ABS-0208 First-line utilization of direct peroral cholangioscopy for large common bile duct stones saves both time and cost

2020-11 | Conference abstract
Contributors: Chieh Sian Koo
Source: Self-asserted source
Chieh Sian Koo

Water-irrigation disimpaction endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography - an approach to impacted distal biliary stones.

2020-09-23 | Journal article
Contributors: Chieh Sian Koo
Source: Self-asserted source
Chieh Sian Koo

A low-cost endoscopy trainer for novice endoscopy training in COVID-19.

2020-09-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Chieh Sian Koo
Source: Self-asserted source
Chieh Sian Koo

The role of EUS-FNA in the evaluation of pancreatic cystic lesions.

Endoscopic Ultrasound
2020-03-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Chieh Sian Koo
Source: Self-asserted source
Chieh Sian Koo

Esophageal Melanocytosis in a Patient With Gastroesophagheal Reflux Disease

Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology
2020-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Chieh Sian Koo; Shi Wang; Jonathan Wei Jie Lee
Source: check_circle

P3269Sleep disordered breathing and incidence of heart failure readmission after coronary artery bypass surgery

European Heart Journal
2017-08-01 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0195-668X
Part of ISSN: 1522-9645
Contributors: Chieh Sian Koo
Source: Self-asserted source
Chieh Sian Koo

Clinical features, microbiology and surgical outcomes of infective endocarditis: a 13-year study from a UK tertiary cardiothoracic referral centre.

QJM : monthly journal of the Association of Physicians
2014-09-15 | Journal article
Contributors: Chieh Sian Koo
Source: Self-asserted source
Chieh Sian Koo